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Minutes of Lake Elmo Village Council Meeting June 4, 1974 Page 3 <br />I <br />Home Rule K. Sovereign and C. Brandon introduced Fred King and Winne Schwan <br />Charter: of Cimarron both of whom spoke in favor of requesting a charter <br />commission. Also introduced'Br_yan.Pengel of Tablyn Park who had <br />similar statement, <br />Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Brookman that council would <br />react favorably at the next meeting if the group showed enough <br />representative interest in all parts of the Village. <br />Carried 5 - 0. <br />Council was asked if they would sign petition individually. All <br />agreed that they would be favorable to signing but not first. They <br />do not want to give citizens impression that they are promoting <br />plan. <br />1974 Road Motion by C. Abercrombie second by C. Brookman to authorize engineer <br />Seal Coat to go out on bid subject to final approaval of C. Pott who is in <br />Project: charge of Sts. Opening date of bids would be June 27, 1974 10:00 a.m. <br />in Council chambers. Carried 5 - 0. <br />White Sign Co: Motion by C. Abercrombie second by C. Shervheim authorizing counsel <br />to take legal action regarding sign on 194. <br />Carried 5 - 0. <br />J-W Boat Bldg, Insp. Mueller will investigate June 6 and Mayor and Bldg. Insp. <br />Works: will follow through on it. <br />3.2 license for Motion by C. Shervheim second'by C. Abercrombie to approve 3.2 <br />Twin Point license for Twin Point Mens Softball Tournament. License fee $10.00 <br />Softball T.: Carried 5 - 0. <br />N.S.P. Water: Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Abercrombie to disapprove use of <br />water from Downs Lake. Lake Elmo will sell 1 million gallons of water <br />from our water system at a fee of $350.00 subject to a pumping schedule <br />approved by C. Abercrombie who is in charge of water system. <br />Carried 5 - 0. <br />Battle Creek C. Abercrombie presented Resolution R74-17 voicing disapproval of <br />Watershed: the proposed Battle Creek Branch Watershed and asked for council <br />confirmation. Second by C. Pott. <br />Carried 5 - 0. <br />Police <br />Commission <br />Codification: <br />Council asked officer Neville how he felt about coverage in Lake Elmo. <br />It was his personal opinion that Lake Elmo does need a second officer. <br />Police Commission to be reactivated to study current situation. <br />Officer Neville also suggested that council consider some type of <br />a permanent bike licensing or registration. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Pott to adopt codification subject <br />to revisions proposed by C. Pott. <br />Carried 5 - 0. <br />Claims: <br />Motion by C. Abercrombie second by C. Brookman authorizing clerk <br />to pay claims 74258 thru 74290. Carried 5 - 0 <br />