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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 6, 1974 <br />Meeting called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Mayor Eder. <br />Present: Eder, Abercrombie, Brookman, Pott and Shervheim. <br />Also present: Building Inspector Mueller, Counsel Raleigh, Engineer <br />Bonestroo (9:30 p.m.) and PZC members Lyons and Williams. <br />Minute Change on page 3 L. Anderson 1st line simple subdivision <br />approval to minor subdivision (sec. 12C subdivision ordinance). <br />Motion by c. Brookman, second by c. Abercrombie to approve <br />minutes of July 16, 1974 meeting as amended. Carried 5-0. <br />Street Lights Mrs. Atkins 2227 Lake Elmo Avenue North, requested that the <br />council consider installation of additional street lights <br />between 20th Street and Pierre's Pier. <br />Motion by c. Shervheim, second by c. Abercrombie that in <br />accordance with street light policy up to 4 street lights <br />be added on Lake Elmo Avenue between 20th Street and last <br />light presently installed. Carried 5-0. <br />Motion by c. Pott, second by c. Shervheim that in accordance <br />with street light policy regarding safety and intersection <br />identification that a street light be installed at Klondike <br />and Highway 212. Carried 5-0. <br />Interest rate Motion by c. Abercrombie, second by c. Pott to establish <br />on $179,000 6.5% as the interest rate on unpaid assessments established <br />Bond issue for the Helmo Avenue Road Project. Carried 5-0. <br />Gerald Beach <br />Mr, Beach presented a summary of what he had accomplished <br />during his first two weeks as tree inspector. He presented <br />several items for council consideration; council will be <br />given copies to review and item will be added to August 16, <br />1974 agenda at 5:00 p.m. <br />Clarence <br />Motion by c. Shervheim, second by c. Brookman to approve <br />Pierre <br />special use permit requested by Mr. Pierre to erect a new <br />S.U.P. <br />and larger body shop at 8910 Hudson Boulevard subject to <br />the following conditions: <br />12 (twelve) off street parking spaces be provided: <br />2 for employees, 6 for vehicles under repair and <br />4 for customer parking. Operating hours not to <br />exceed 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. <br />Closed on Sunday. Carried 5-0. <br />Gordon <br />Mr. Lundholm appeared asking for a revision in the council <br />Lundholm <br />minutes of June 5, 1973. He stated that he and Mrs. Lund - <br />holm agreed to donate 30 feet along the easterly line of <br />tract G for potential road but did not approve 30 feet on <br />the southerly border of tract G. C. Abercrombie who made <br />the original motion stated that it was his understanding <br />when the motion was made that both the easterly and the <br />