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Minutes of the Lake Elmo City Council Meeting - October 1, 1974 PG. 1 <br />Meeting called to order at 7:36 PM by Mayor Eder. <br />( Present: Eder, Abercrombie, Shervheim, Pott and Brookman. <br />Also present: Building Inspector Mueller, Counsel Raleigh, Engineers Bonestroo <br />and Noyes, Energy Representative Goerss and PZC Members Lyons and <br />Williams. <br />Approval of Minutes: Motion by C. Brookman, second by C. Shervheim to approve <br />the minutes of the September 17, 1974 meeting of the council as <br />submitted. Carried 5-0. <br />Speed Limit 32nd Street N.: C. Abercrombie submitted Resolution R74-31 establishing <br />R74-31 a speed limit of 25 mph on 32nd Street North from Klondike to Lake <br />Elmo Boulevard, and asked council confirmation. Second by C. Sherv- <br />heim. Carried 5-0. <br />Springborn: Motion by C. Brookman, second by C. Shervheim to leave to Engineer <br />Bonestroo decision on whether or not a special permit is required to <br />take gravel from Springborn property to use as base for road in the <br />new Springborn Recreational Area. Carried 5-0. <br />NSP and Jerry Wallace represented NSP and Gordy Anderson and Max Jackson <br />Northern N.: represented Northern Natural Gas Company. Motion by C. Shervheim, <br />second by C. Brookman to grant variance requiring platting subject <br />to NSP submitting a land description to the clerk's office, prepared <br />i by a surveyor acceptable to city engineer. Carried 5-0. <br />Building plans from NSP have been received. Northern Natural will <br />submit plans to building inspector. Noise - Northern Natural advised <br />that they will comply with Model Code regulations for noise level and <br />will submit written compliance. Evergreens will be planted for two <br />reasons: (1) the esthetic value and (2) to serve as a noise barrier. <br />White Hat Restaurant: Motion by C. Shervheim,. second by C. Abercrombie to deny <br />3.2 and setup lic. application and table consideration of ordinance amendments <br />pending review of prior ordinances and study the desirability of <br />amending ordinance. Carried 5-0. <br />T. Lindbeck S.U.P.: Request for S.U.P. to build an auto body shop in section 4 - <br />Bergman`s Addition. Motion by C. Shervheim, second by C. Abercrombie <br />to deny request for S.U.P. based on recommendation of PZC per minutes <br />9/23/74 meeting citing (1) the proposed operation is incompatible with <br />the existing zoning in the area, (2) all comments by neighbors at the <br />public hearing were against issuance of the permit, (3) concern that <br />runoff from the proposed site might contain pollutants which could <br />destroy the ecology of the adjoining wetlands. Of particular] p�r- <br />tance is the conflict with existing zoning regulations. Carrie <br />Sewer Variances: A number of septic systems in the Tri-Lakes area are in need of <br />repair to reduce possibility of pollution. Variances to code are <br />required to accomplish repairs because of location. <br />