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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 17, 1974 pg.2 <br />Meeting recessed at 6:30 PM for dinner. <br />Hearing for vacation of certain lands belonging to Lang in Lane's Demontreville <br />Country Club. <br />Hearing opened at 7:33 PM by Mayor Eder. <br />Mr. Collins, Attorney for Lang's, showed a copy of the plat showing the <br />parcels that were vacated by East Oakdale Resolution 62469. <br />Mr.Harry Zabrok spoke in opposition to vacation. He owns 16 lots in <br />Lane's Demontreville Country Club Addition and has since 1953. He was <br />in opposition in 1968 when vacation request was denied and again in 1969 <br />when it was approved for petitioners only. <br />Mr.Townsend also a land owner, stated that bathers have been run off <br />property which was vacated. He does not wish to see any more vacated <br />and reduce the bathing area still further. <br />Counsel pointed out that whether or not property is vacated the court <br />has still ruled in favor of Mr. Lang that the sub -size area is a <br />buildable lot. <br />Attorney Collins stated that his client only wanted same treatment that <br />was extended to the other petitioners. <br />Mr. Zabrok commented that vacation will serve no useful purpose. <br />Because of comments relative to petitions and decisions made by other <br />individuals Mayor Eder advised counsel to research and have details <br />available for January 7, 1975. <br />There being no further comments on the matter Mayor Eder recessed the <br />hearing at 8:15 PM. It will be reconvened on January 7, 1975. <br />Council meeting reconvened at 8:15 PM. <br />Salary Schedule for 1975:Motion by C.Shervheim 2nd by C.Brookman to approve the <br />proposal of the salary committee for pay schedule for 1975 which is <br />as follows: <br />Senior maintenance employee $6.08/hr and 2nd maintenance employee <br />$5.58/hr. effective January 1, 1975. <br />Assessor-1975 annual salary of $3,300. This includes educational <br />allowance and mileage. <br />Clerk -Adjust 1974 salary from $2.600 to $3,000. 1975 salary is $300. <br />per month or $3,600/year. <br />Office help -permanent senior secretary increase to $3.25/hr as of <br />January 1, 1975 and increase to $3.50/hr. effective July 1, 1975. <br />Part time help increase to $2.90/hr. effective January 1, 1975. When <br />permanent status developed rate to be set at $3.25/hr. <br />Motion by C.Abercrombie 2nd by C.Shervheim to amend C.Shervheim's <br />motion to include meter reader and casual labor at $3.00/hr. <br />Amendment carried 5-0. Original motion carried 5-0. <br />A,B.Schaefer: C.Abercrombie submitted Resolution R74-36 commending Mr.A.B. Schaefer <br />for outstanding service as county commissioner and asked council to <br />approve. Resolution seconded by C.Shervheim. Carried 5-0. <br />Calvin J. Brockman: Mayor Eder offered Resolution R74-37 commending Councilman <br />Brookman for his service to Lake Elmo and asked for council approval <br />Motion carried 4-0 with C.Brookman abstaining. All members and also <br />l citizens in attendance unanimously approved the resolution. <br />