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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 18, 1975 <br />Pg• 2 <br />32nd St. N.One Way: Eleven residents from 32nd St. North were on hand to discuss <br />the advantages and disadvantages of a one way street. Decision was not <br />unanimous but the majority requested the road be returned to two-way <br />status. It was recommended that we delay changeover until snow and <br />chance of flooding is over. Also that we review the road situation next <br />fall to make sure everything is running smoothly. <br />Motion by Councilman Pott 2nd by Councilwoman Lyons establishing 32nd <br />St. N. as a two way street sometime between April 15 and May 1, 1975 and <br />to review the condition of traffic on street prior to the winter season <br />to determine if two way traffic is still in the best interest of the <br />residents on the street. Carried 4-0. <br />Snowplowing:Councilman Pott explained the snowplowing procedure so that all members <br />of the council would be equipped to answer any inquiries. The general <br />rule of thumb is to plow when we have two inches of snow but other con- <br />ditions can affect the starting time. <br />Dog Patrol:Counsel <br />contract <br />supplied <br />Raleigh and Councilwoman Lyons are to get together to draft a <br />suitable to cover the requests of Mr. Connelly for Lake Elmo <br />materials which he needs to operate as dog catcher. <br />Road Posting:Councilman Abercrombie submitted Resolution R75-6 which adopted the <br />same date and limits for posting roads each spring during the thawing <br />period as adopted by the State of Minnesota and the County of Washington <br />and asked council confirmation. 2nd by Council Pott. Carried 4-0. <br />Organizational Chart:Motion by Councilman Abercrombie 2nd by Councilman Pott to <br />endorse the 1975 council appointments as proposed by Mayor Eder. <br />Carried 4-0. <br />Claims: Motion by Councilman Abercrombie 2nd by Councilwoman Lyons to approve <br />payment of claims 75108 thru 75122. Carried 4-0. <br />Adjournment:Motion by Councilman Abercrombie 2nd by Councilman Pott to adjourn <br />at 10:58 PM. Carried 4-0. <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />Clerk -treasurer <br />Lake Elmo, Minnesota <br />