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03-04-75 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-04-75 CCM
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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 4, 1975 pg. 2 <br />Forester: Mr. Beach submitted a proposed form to be used on bid requests for re- <br />moval of diseased trees in Lake Elmo. Counsel Raleigh given forma and <br />was advised to review and report back to the council at the next meeting. <br />Motion by Councilman Shervheim second by Councilman Abercrombie to approve <br />the 1975 agreement between Mr. Beach and the City of Lake Elmo for a set <br />fee of $3,000 plus estimated mileage costs of $185.00. Carried 5-0. <br />Water Tower:Motion by Councilman Abercrombie second by Councilman Shervheim author- <br />izing engineer to prepare specs and call for bids to paint the water <br />tower on the interior and the exterior. Carried 5-0. <br />Matter of fencing and the amount of area to be included inside the fence <br />turned over to Councilwoman Lyons for review. <br />Payment of Council Salaries:Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilman Pott <br />that payment of council salaries will be made on a semi-annual basis. <br />One payment in June and the second half payment in December. Carried 5-0. <br />PZC By-laws:Councilwoman Lyons questioned the new by-laws for operation of the PZC. <br />Counsel was asked to review the by-laws and determine that all items are <br />proper. <br />PZC Subcommittee: At a joint meeting of the Oakdale and Lake Elmo Planning Commissions <br />a subcommittee was established. Members Sovereign and Grace were appointed <br />to represent Lake Elmo. Council requests that they be kept appraised of the <br />actions of the subcommittee. <br />Airport: Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilwoman Lyons authorizing Mayor <br />to send a letter to the Airports Commission requesting that they hold on <br />( any action on the Lake Elmo Airport until the City of Lake Elmo has had <br />an opportunity to respond. Carried 5-0. <br />Dog Control:Mr. Connolly was considered for the position as dog catcher. We were pre- <br />viously advised that he was working for Oak Park Heights and Bayport. <br />Councilwoman Lyons reported that Oak Park Heights advised that he was <br />terminated as of February 10, 1975. He has also been terminated by Bayport. <br />Councilwoman Lyons is still pursueing a joint Woodbury operation. <br />A letter was received and recorded by clerk from Mr. & Mrs. Randy Norton <br />8390 Deer Pond Trail North relative to the dog problem. The Norton's <br />personally sent letters to neighbors in the immediate area. <br />Clean-up: Clean-up days for the Spring of 1975 have been established. April 26 & <br />May 31 on th lot next to the fire hall and May 10 at Pebble Park. <br />Clean-up will be under the direction of Councilman Pott. <br />Boy Scouts to be included on the March 18, 1975 agenda. <br />Oakland JR. HS.:Mr. Jensen requested information on how the school should proceed <br />in arranging for joint sewer with Cimarron. Cimarron has indicated a <br />willingness to handle but question of responsibility for plan needs to <br />be resolved. Should this be handled by Lake Elmo, Cimarron, or the <br />Waste Control Commission or a combination of these. Counsel Raleigh <br />was advised to pursue this with Mr. Jensen. <br />
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