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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 20, 1975 pg. I <br />Meeting called to order at 5:06 PM by Acting Mayor Abercrombie. <br />Present: Mayor Eder (5:15 PM),Councilmen Abercrombie,Shervheim & Pott (5:15 PM) <br />and Councilwoman Lyons. <br />Also Present:Bldg. Insp. Mueller (5:30 PM),Counsel Raleigh & Engineer Bonestroo. <br />Dave Licht -Midwest Planning:The summary report of the material accumulated by Mid- <br />west & PZC membersshould be available in about a month. Mr. Licht requested <br />the council to review the report and add their comments and input; which, <br />if done promptly will put a timetable of 2 1/2 months on the final report. <br />A meeting is scheduled with Mr. Licht, PZC Chairman Johnson and Councilman <br />Abercrombie as principals.Council members will be advised of the time of <br />the meeting so they can sit in on it if they are available. <br />Copy of the Demontreville Highlands proposed plat given to Mr. Licht for <br />review and comment. <br />Demontreville Park Site discussion should be added to the June 3 agenda. <br />Correspondence Copy List:Question arose relative to the distribution of copies of <br />correspondence to involved individuals. A procedure is hereby established <br />that clerk is to receive copy of all correspondence generated by or on <br />behalf of the Lake Elmo City Council. If copies have already been dist- <br />ributed the list should be shown on clerk's copy to avoid duplication of <br />mailing. It will be the clerk's responsibility to see that al-1 vitally <br />concerned with subject matter are copied. <br />Juran & Moody:Steve Mattson advised that no bids were received on the May 20,1975 <br />request for advance refunding. He asked the council to authorize another <br />bid. Councilman Shervheim offered Resolution R75-16 stating that despite <br />the fact that no bids were received on the May 20, 1975 opening the <br />council still authorized Juran & Moody to rebid. Bid opening set for June <br />17, 1975 at 4:00 PM. Bid to include conditions set forth in proposal <br />dated May 20, 1975. Second by Councilman Abercrombie. Resolution <br />carried 4-0 with Mayor Eder abstaining. <br />Landfill: Mayor Eder advised that the Lake Elmo Sanitary Landfill was closed offic- <br />ially on May 16, 1975. It will be open on Saturdays in May to accommodate <br />scheduled community cleanup days. Decision on disposal of bldg. could be <br />as much as a year away. <br />Septic Systems:Mr. Noyes made an inspection of the septic systems in the Tri-Lakes <br />area on May 16 (alone). A report should be out this week with his findings. <br />Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilwoman Lyons to authorize <br />counsel to send letter to offenders. Tone of letter should reflect the <br />number of notices sent to the resident involved. Carried 5-0. <br />Metropolital Waste Control:Clerk to attempt to set up an early meeting with Mr. Ray <br />Payne (at MWC) to discuss the Lake Elmo Sewer situation. <br />Recessed at 6:30 PM - Reconvened at 7:30 PM. <br />Breheim: Question raised as to whether or not a SUP is required for a swimming pool. <br />The Municipal Code calls for only a building permit. Council confirmed <br />that only a building permit was required. <br />Motion by Councilman Pott 2nd by Councilman Shervheim to cancel all the <br />