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LAKE ELMO BOARD OF REVIEW - May 22, 1975 9:30 AM pg. 1 <br />Mr. Robert Burns represented the Washington County Assessor at this meeting. <br />Assessor Wm. Park -and Clerk Mehsikomer were present for entire session with members <br />of the council in attendance periodically but not continuously. <br />1.Walter Ahola - explanation of market value and relationship to tax value <br />sufficed. <br />2.Brian Crombie Plate 37004-0012 Estimated and limited value shown as $59,030. <br />Building in area zoned agricultural requiring 5 acre lots. Lot valued at <br />$3,000/acre. Offered a number of sites that he had compared to his and he felt <br />that his were the highest. Claims to have a comparable house in Oakdale that he <br />built and which was built during the same time period and that house is valued <br />at a lower rate than Lake Elmo. (Duane Grace is the Assessor for Oakdale.) <br />✓3.F.G.Isakson - Valued at 3 buildable lots but there is really only two lots and <br />some swamp property. Claims that part of property was deeded to East Oakdale <br />but it has never been taken off his roles so he has been paying taxes on the <br />property all along. Assessor Park to review this swamp area. One suggestion <br />made is that since they are senior citizens that they apply for freeze. <br />4.Leon Shriner 9441 Jane Court N.(Dawcin Acres) did not get statement. <br />5.Tom Armstrong - Claimed that -the hearing did not meet statue since he'did not <br />receive his notice the required 10 days before the hearing. Recorded conver- <br />sation. Requested breakdown of evaluation. 10 acres valued at $1,110/acre. <br />Property now in green acres, as of May 1. 1973 value $5,000. Personally has <br />10 acres, 8 agricultural and 2 residentila for building site. Assessor gave <br />breakdown floor by floor and item by item. Building value $65,010. Mr. Armstron <br />concluded his hearing with the comment that if he was not satisfied that we <br />may be hearing from him again. No further action at this time. <br />6.John Kleis - general explanation sufficed. <br />7.Rosalie Wahl - 10231 47th Street North. Plate #37011-2550. Reiterated the <br />words of Mr. Armstrong regarding inadequate notice. No action. <br />8.Swager - explained that the statement received was 1975 evaluation not 1975 <br />taxes. Assessor Park will handle. <br />te'"9.Conrad Adams - Requires some changes and a recommendation from the assessor. <br />Plate 37135-2950 delete buildings from this plate and set land value at <br />$2,500. Original land value $5,000. <br />37135-2000 add building value of $29080 to this plate making a total value <br />of $39,990. <br />IO.Wm Lehman (recorded)37036-3350 asked for breakdown on evaluation. Land value <br />148,600 or 40 acrea at $1,215 per acre. Building value increased by 57 from <br />$88,696 to $93,130. Ultimate value increased by 10% from $403,230 to$428,000. <br />Apparantly he was satisfied with the explanation. <br />ll.Fred Primol 7680 50th St. 37880-1975 1974 value $19,000. 1975 value $37,880. <br />Added bldg.for power tools valued at $15,950 plus land value increase. <br />Apparantly satisfied with information. <br />12.Mary Hubenette - had not received notice. Plate 37456-3650 1974 lot value <br />$5,610 to $6,200 in 1975. House value from $$21,225 to $23,445. Total value <br />increased from $26,835 to $29,445. Not happy but satisfied. <br />13.F.How lots 361-365 Lanes Demontreville Country Club. No basic problem. <br />Suggested that since he was a senior citizen that he make application for <br />senior citizens credit. <br />14.Dorthea Arndt.37445-2606 Lots 168-177 Lanes Demontreville Country Club. <br />Accepted expanation of evaluation increase not tax increase. <br />15.Howard & Gaylen Springborn - Asked why forms had been sent to Ziton. Since <br />Ziton is th owner of record he would receive the forms. Requested information <br />on the values established by the assessor. Seemed satisfied. <br />