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LAKE ELMO BOARD OF REVIEW - May 22, 1975 9:30 AM <br />pg. 2 <br />16.Robert Vener 37750-4050 Asked the basis for the evaluation. Advised that <br />land was valued at $4,250 and buildings $26,255 for total of $30,505. <br />17.Gary & Sharon Heulsman 37405 - 2350 Increase from $32,370 to $34,865 was <br />for a driveway. In 1972 this was not included it has now been added. Again <br />accepted the answer but were not exactly happy. <br />�,­18.Don Delander Has a Wausau Home. 37015-4000 House cost him $26,491. New <br />value has house at $26,525 and land at $5,600. Assessor agrees that the land <br />value is high. Recommends that we decrease land value from $5,600 to $4,500. <br />19.Ellen Clagett - expanation of evaluation seemed sufficient. <br />r.,IO.Robert Charboneau 37445 -2690 lots 186-200 & 207-215 Lanes Demontreville <br />Country Club Questioned land value and 2 buildable lots on property. He main- <br />tained that a great share of it was low land. <br />Assessor recommends that the land values be reduced by $3,265 to a new value <br />of $1,360. <br />21.0ames Gergen-Asked how market value was arrived at.Seemed to be satisfied. <br />p22.Jim Olson - 37036-2850 Land value established as $18,000. Claims that he <br />would sell for $9,000. It is 1 acre commercial property. <br />Assessor recommends that land values be adjusted with a reduction of <br />$6,690 to a new value of $11,650. <br />23.Alice Schiltgen-Requested expanation of the form that she had received. She <br />was not in disagreement with the values established and seemed satisfied. <br />24.Delores Tacke- Same explanation and results as in #23. <br />25.Joe Moris- Explained the agricultural evaluation. No further questions. <br />!A26.John Leslie - 1972 received and filed a court order changing the name on <br />the description to only John Leslie. Latest statement still received showing <br />both Mr. & Mrs. Leslie. Unhappy with the change of value from $28,500 to <br />$39,800. It is an all electric home and John feels that it is not worth it. <br />Assessor explained the method of arriving at market value..This answered Mr. <br />Leslie but did not satisfy him. <br />27.Audrey Olson -Complained bitterly that she had just received her notice in <br />the morning mail of the day of the hearing and felt that this was not legal: <br />Her values increased from $29,050 to $32,915. She was not happy and advised <br />that she would discuss the matter with her husband and if they were not <br />satisfied with the explanation they would be back. <br />28.Jess Mottaz General explanation.of the meaning of values and an opportunity <br />to®express his feelings seemed to satisfy Mr. & Mrs. Mottaz. <br />i/29.W Baber - 37036-2750 Property valued at $6.900. It is a commercial piece <br />of property on Highway 12 next to Drive -In Theatre. Claims that the property <br />is not worth that since it is landlocked and he does not have any access. <br />Mr. Baber to check deed and determine if he has any access and report back. <br />�� <br />O.Constance Smith - 37440-2000 Asessor to recheck. <br />31.Warren Johnson - 37750-4500 1975 value increased by $3,500. No action. <br />32.Alfred Zuercher - Explained the market value. Section 11, house valued at <br />$5,100 and 4 acres of land at $2,000/acre. <br />33.Robert Olson - Explained breakdown. Lot value increased from $3,000 to <br />$4,200. <br />34.George Ringwelski - 37014-3000 Meadowlark Lane Explained breakdown. 2 1/2 <br />acres of land valued at $9,425. No further action required. <br />�5.Bob Dreher- 37032-3350 Maintains that he is being billed or taxed or valued <br />for an unbuildable swamp lot. Assessor agrees. Recommends that the land <br /> decreased from $17,510 to $9,140; a reduction of $8,370. <br />