LAKE ELMO BOARD OF REVIEW - May 22, 1975 (Continued June 4,1975) pg. 4
<br />6.Dennis Anderson - 37549-3200 Lot 6 Block 2 Oaces 5th Addition.Built and
<br />moved into house in 1973. Land value set at $6,600 actually paid $7,000.
<br />House was $25,000 on partiallycompletedbuilding. Actual building costs
<br />$38,000 did own plumbing. Value $35,247.
<br />�7.Dick Lambert 37013-2120 Kennell land valued at $900/acre in 1974 and at
<br />$1,110 in 1975. (Correction -plate listed is for grain elevator). Kennell
<br />area is on plates 37016-2545 and 2400. 2545 is 2.1 acres and 2400 is 3.7 acres.
<br />Maintains that a good share of this property is swamp and not useable. This
<br />/. area to be reviewed before decision to determine possible value.
<br />f 8.Dick Baber - 37036-2750 His dad, actual owner of the property appeared on
<br />May 22 and was to check on access. Maintained that land is landlocked and
<br />advised that value too high. Would be willing to offer the land for $2,500.
<br />/'9.Thomas Lindbeck - 37085-3550 Land valued at $4,200 claims to have paid only
<br />$2,500 for it in 1972. House is 1048 Sq. ft. and he paid $32,700. House
<br />is valued at $35,545 plus $4,200 for lot for total of $39,745.
<br />Requests a reduction of $5,000 in total market value. Request that his gar-
<br />age be classified as a shed and valued accordingly.
<br />IO.Thomas 5weno - 37406-2000 Kennridge Addition Lot value increased from
<br />$1,000 to $4,760. All lots in this addition treated the same. Actually paid
<br />$6,900 forlot.
<br />ll.VFW 37015-2090 was $70,905 increased to $74,450 for buildings. With land
<br />the new value is $81,050. Land valued at $55/ft. Ballfield valued at
<br />$36/ft. Total value now $97,655. Taxes paid in 1974 amounted to $4,030.94
<br />Advised that we are forcing them to close up that they can not keep up with
<br />the increasing tax load.
<br />12James Bolger 37036-3000 Lot 19 Oares 3rd Addition. Has total of 1800 sq. ft.
<br />including basement. Land valued at $6,200 and house at $36,270 for a total
<br />of $42,470. House built in 1971 for $30,000 and purchased by Mr. Bolger
<br />,,for $56,000, Complained about comparable assessment values in the area.
<br />t= 13.Len Kervida 37032-3200 on Green Acres. 38 acres value increased from
<br />t'.,,;$33$000;to $70::000.`Land valued at $1,110/acre. Claims that a good share of
<br />this land is swamp land and should not be valued at full value. Assessor to
<br />reevaluate this and make a report.
<br />14.Dean Hedberg 37672-2000 & 2150 Reg. Land Survey 46. Was valued at $1,800
<br />by court order. 1975 value to $2,000. New values on both lots will increase
<br />to $2,250.
<br />15.Gary Schmidt - 37155-2650 Land value of adjacent lot increased by 100%.
<br />Approx. 1 acre. All lots in Panasow Plat valued at $6,600. Actually paid
<br />only $3,400 4 years ago. Feels lot overevaluated.
<br />16.Mrs. Jerome Raleigh 37002-2450,2500 & 2550. Explained the values and the
<br />Green Acres regulation. Seemed to be satisfied.
<br />1_='17.Dayton-Hudson 37027-2150,2200 & 2250 2150 Water 2200 2.8 acres. Card
<br />shows 4 acres Value was $13,275 recommend $4,605 2250 house removed
<br />Value $21,115. 37024-2000 77 acres, of this 39 acres are under water.
<br />New value is based on 77 acres at $1,110/acre. Old rate was 50-60 bucks
<br />per acre. Request that we consider this for value reduction.
<br />Adjourned at 8:10 PM.
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