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05-22-75 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-22-75 CCM
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Lake Elmo BOARD OF REVIEW - May 22, 1975 <br />pg. 3 <br />36.Donald Nelson — explanation of values seemed to satisfy inquiry. <br />37.Janet Sovereign - Asked for and received a breakdown of building appraisal <br />from the assessor. <br />38.Mrs. Doris Bubere - 37002-2800 on Keats Ave. No action required. <br />39.Mrs. Helen Fisher - Listed as a dual owner of property. Explained the <br />meaning of the 5% increase as it relates to the total market value. <br />1zlO .Gary Baker - 37445-7990 Lots 12-26 Lanes Demontreville Country Club Wants to <br />be treated comparable to adjacent property owners. Has 200' lot @ $7.20 or <br />$14,400. He feels that $9,075 is more realistic. To be reviewed and brought <br />up at the June 4,1975 hearing resumption. <br />41.Gailen Smith- 37095-2700 Increased 25% last year. Assessor advised that <br />this was for the addition of a garage. Cost $1,700 but Market value of <br />addition was $6,000. Estimate $32,415 Ltd. $32,225 <br />42.Mrs. R. F. Miller - 37065=2300 Arvold Acres 1974 value $46,783 new value <br />$49,765. Land value $6,600 to $8,450. New value should be 49,122. <br />43.Rube Gustafson - 37547-3300 Oace Acres Maintains that part of the lot will <br />be roadway and that lot is valued too high. <br />MEETING RECESSED AT 8:15 PM with a schedule to reconvene on June 4� 1975 at 3:00 PM <br />and to remain open until 7:30 PM or until everyone had a chance to be heard. <br />v�1.3M represented by Wm. Langlois and John Leslie. 37025-2050 $46,000 added for <br />lights on ballfield. Ball diamond installation was originally valued at <br />$85,000. This was appealed and reduced to $25,000. Although the cost of the <br />lights was more than value listed it does not represent the value added. <br />Assessor advised that he had used the figures for electrical additions. Also <br />advised that the open space regulation applied to land only not to other im- <br />provements, this was verified in discussion with Wayne Carlson,State of Mn. <br />37025-21.00 $90,000 added for golf course ($5,000 per hole - 18 holes) plus <br />t 2 wells at $12,000 each. Increased by 10% for inflation. <br />37025-2500 2 wells at $12,000. Requests that we reconsider the evaluation. <br />V'r2.John Leslie - 37024-2750 150 ft lot adjacent to the lot that has his house. <br />Lot is 6 ft below the road level. Acreage at $3,000/acre. Lot valued at <br />$10,000; this is for lot with house and house is valued at $28,792. <br />Feels that land value is too high, should be comparable to Lake Jane Hills <br />that are valued as $6,600 for a lot. <br />Cy 3 Mrs. Delbert Harrington - 37035-2100 & 2050. 2100 is lot only and was <br />=necessitated because the owner could not sell the lot at one time since it <br />was location of the old school. This value was $2,788 now valued at $5,285. <br />2050 land is valued at $8,325 compared to 1974 value of $4,389. House was <br />valued at $9,652 increased to $13,510 for 1975. The two lots together make <br />up about one acre. House is about 90 years old. <br />Assessor advised that he felt lot was valued too high. <br />v 4.Robert Ross - 37008-2150 4555 N. Olson Lake Trail. Also plate 37008-0380. <br />Actually this is a single lot; claims that in 1970 he was told that it would <br />be considered a single lot. 1975 values of the combined plates is $9,900. <br />This is $825 over the amount charged for a lakeshore lot and should be <br />adjusted. <br />iZ 5.Mr. & Mrs. Everett Holt - House is assigned to wrong lot. Paid $8,500 for lots. <br />Land value increased from $11,100 by 10% to $12,210. Claims that we are <br />driving him off his property because of taxes. Questioned 2 building sites <br />and land values. <br />
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