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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 6, 1975 pg• 1 <br />Meeting called to order at 7:33 PM by Mayor Eder. <br />Present: Mayor Eder, Councilmen Abercrombie,Shervheim & Pott & Councilwoman Lyons. <br />Also present:Bldg. Insp. Mueller (7:33-9:00), Counsel Raleigh & Eng. Bonestroo (9:15). <br />Minutes: Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilman Pott to approve the minutes <br />of the April 15.1975 meeting as submitted. Carried 4-0. Councilwoman Lyons <br />not present at time of vote. <br />Open P1ats:Clerk advised to send letters to all persons responsible for plats that <br />still have not been completed. Letter to state what items of the procedure <br />have been completed and what items still remain to be completed. <br />Athletic Fields Use:Rev. Weiland advised the council that he objected to the use of the <br />athletic fields in the proximity of his church before noon on Sunday. <br />1 Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilman Abercrombie to restrict use <br />of the two athletic fields for any games before 12:00 noon on Sunday. Clerk <br />to send letters to each of the three local teams sponsoring tournaments so <br />they can regulate their schedule accordingly. Carried 5-0. <br />I-94: Councilman Shervheim offered Resolution R75-13 restating the position of the <br />Lake Elmo City Council relative to the preference of the North Route for the <br />New I-94 Freeway and asked council confirmation. Second by Councilman <br />Abercrombie. Carried 5-0. <br />Lake Elmo Volunteer Fire Board: (Present were J.Patton, J.Bjorkman, A.Kupferschmidt, <br />W.Eder, M.Schneider, R.Anderson & J.Eder) Board met with council to fill the <br />obligation in the by-laws. Discussed matters relating to the council and the <br />fire department. Treasurer's report has not as yet been returned by the <br />auditor but it will be submitted as soon as received. Mr. Clarence Bollen <br />of Cimarron praised the fire department for the service they have been <br />giving to his area. <br />Advance Refunding:Steve Mattson, Juran & Moody, explained that the market for sale of <br />the advance refunding bonds was still doubtful' but he still felt we did <br />have a chance and wanted authority to proceed with the request for bids. <br />Councilman Abercrombie submitted Resolution R75-14 authorizing Juran & Moody <br />to proceed according to the proposed schedule dated May 6, 1975 and asked <br />for council agreement. Second by Councilman Shervheim. Resolution carried <br />4-0 with Mayor Eder abstaining. <br />Shafer Contracting: Mr. R. Rudy explained the details folhis request to use the North- <br />ern Haul Route rather than the Southern Haul Route from the Richert Pit. <br />Council had previously, with PZC approval, stipulated use of the Southern <br />route if it was available to them but in the event it was closed they could <br />use the Northern Route. Owners of the property to the south have placed a <br />rather high value on the use of their land and Shafer can't live with it.. <br />Council agreed that the sooner that the excess material is cleared away and <br />the land Teveh.ed off the better for all concerned. <br />Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilman Abercrombie to approve <br />use of the Northern Haul Route by Shafer Cont. Carried 5-0. <br />J&W Marineland: Mr. Rudy has an interest in removal of material from J&W. Before he <br />makes any commitments he asked to see the account file and determine what <br />( restrictions and regulations have been established. Mr. Rudy was advised <br />that he could examine the file in the clerks office. <br />