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07-22-75 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-22-75 CCM
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pg. 1 <br />MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 22,1975 <br />Meeting called to order at 5:18 PM by Assistant Mayor Abercrombie. <br />Present: Councilmen Abercrombie,Shervheim & Pott & Councilwoman Lyons. <br />Absent: Mayor Eder. <br />Also present:Counsel Raleigh, Engineer Bonestroo & Engineer Noyes. <br />Purpose of the meeting was to update council on status of the flood waters and.take <br />any action that may be necessary. <br />Engineer Noyes passed out a chart showing revised forcast based on data supplied by <br />the Valley Branch Watershed District.The new forcast is for a maximum rise on Lake <br />Jane of 6 1/2", down from the original 10 1/2". <br />Mr. Noyes explained that both pumps had failed on Friday July 18 and were down over <br />the weekend. Pump from Berschens' Pond to park area would be resumed July 22. Pump <br />from Jane to Berschens` would hopefully be operating later that same day.New pumps <br />were obtained from Subsoil and More trench. New pumps will operate at 3,000 gals/min. <br />Here are some listings of lake levels reported by engineer. <br />Olson 7-15-75 929.97 7-21-75 929.97 <br />Jane 7-15-75 922.27 7-18-75 922.33 7-22-75 922.41 <br />Sunfish 7-15-75 890.89 7-18-75 890.77 <br />Long Lake 7- 7-75 943.83 7-21-75 941.80 <br />Normal maximum on Long Lake is 937.5. Rate of drop over the past 2 weeks is about <br />2"/day. It is anticipated that this same rate will continue barring further rain. <br />The Olson-Demontrevill weir is overflowing at the rate of 2,000 gals/min. <br />Mr. Noyes explained that there are five different storage area in the park property. <br />To date, all water pumped has soaked into the ground and there is no ponding. <br />Mr. Noyes advised that he, along with Forester Beach, had inspected the area. His <br />report was for general information only and that the forester would submit an official <br />report.Trees in the area which could get flooded include 92-170 Birch, 120-130 Oaks, <br />325-400 Aspen,15 Black Cherry and 10 misc. Actually the area could some clearing <br />as it is heavily overgrown. <br />Counsel Raleigh reported that on Sunfish Lake property owners Whitman, Friedrich & <br />Schiltgen were not adverse to raising the level of the lake. Mr. Beaubien was very <br />definitely against and the owner of the Snyder property not contacted. <br />Mr. Bonestroo advised that the railroad had researched their records and could find <br />no record of any kind of a culvert under the railroad right-of-way between Sunfish <br />Lake and Lake Elmo. . <br />Engineer advised that information on all actions taken have been reported to the <br />DNR and to the VBWD. <br />C.Taylor, G. Hedges and K. Kennedy were present and suggested the possibility of <br />citizens volunteer group to make periodic inspection of equipment throughout the <br />night to make sure that pumps are operating properly and if not to inform engineer. <br />Report that NSP Gas Division has been pumping water from Ed. Beutel's Pond into <br />Eagle Point Fork. <br />Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilwman Lyons directing clerk to write <br />letter to NSP advising them that they do no pumping, which ultimately ends up in <br />any of Lake Elmo's Lakes unless it has been cleared through the City Council. <br />Carried 4-0. Mayor Eder absent. <br />
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