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08-19-75 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-19-75 CCM
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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 19, 1975 <br />pg. 1 <br />Meeting called to order at 5:05PM by Mayor Eder'. <br />Present: Mayor Eder, Councilmen Abercrombie, Shervheim & Pott & Councilwoman Lyons. <br />Also present:Bldg. Insp. Mueller (5:40 PM),Counsel Raleigh (6:20 PM) & Eng. Bonestroo. <br />AMM: Roger Peterson made a presentation on the advantages of membership in the <br />Association of Metropolitan Municipalities. He explained that they basicly <br />were lobbyists. They would like to represent a greater percentage of the <br />municipalities so that their requests will pack more punch. Presently they <br />have 54 members or about 25% of the potential. Council advised that they <br />would review and make a decision at the next meeting. Dues for LE is $353. <br />Seal Coating:Two bids were received against the Lake Elmo bid notice. <br />].Bituminous Construction $5,958.50 <br />2.Pine Bend Paving 6,295.50 <br />Engineer reported that bids were within the estimates. Seal coating to in- <br />clude 33rd, Klondike & Jamaca. Estimate calculation is based on .2 gals. of <br />oil per sq. yd. and 20#"of aggregate per sq. yd. Item price of bid was 44t <br />per gal. for oil and $8.35 per ton for aggregate. <br />Engineer advised that he actually has an on job inspector who makes meas- <br />urements on use of oil and aggregate to assure proper disbursement of mat- <br />erial. When the job is completed actual material usage will be determined <br />and payment will be based on that figure not on the flat bid price. <br />Engineer advised that bidder:was competent and recommended award of bid to <br />the low bidder. <br />Motion by Councilman Abercrombie 2nd by Councilman Shervheim to award the <br />seal coating contract to the low bidder, Bituminous Construction. <br />Motion carried 4-1 with Councilman Pott opposed. <br />Eastep: Clerk advised that Municipal Code for Lake Elmo ruled out installation of <br />any mobile home or trailer. Easteps have such a unit on Lot 2 Pabst Lake <br />Jane 2nd Addition. PZC had recommended that Mr. Eastep file an application <br />for a Special Use Permit. Mrs. Eastep called the city office and wanted to <br />know what her chances were for approval since the new procedure calls for <br />a fee of $30.00 with no assurance of success. Clerk advised her that he <br />would discuss with the council and call back during the supper break and <br />advise possible decision. Council advised that they would not look favor- <br />ably on request and suggested that Mr. Eastep cancel his appointment with <br />the planner scheduled for 9:00 AM on Wednesday August 20, 1975 and also <br />cancel his request for a Special Use Permit. Per phone conversation with <br />the building inspector Mr. Eastep agreed with council recommendation. <br />Special Use Permits:City office to advise applicants of Special Use Permits that the <br />fee is $30.00. They have no assurance that it will be approved. They can <br />submit a written application spelling out the purpose and the details of <br />the request and the council will advise if there is a reasonable chance <br />for approval. <br />Flood Report:Engineer submitted report showing current lake elevations. Long Lake N. <br />was down from 940.23 on August 1, 1975 to 938.36, Long Lake S. from <br />940.16 to 938.82, Olson from 929.95 to 929.79, Deer Pond from 924.52 to <br />923.99, Hedges Pond from 924.03 to 923.51, Lake Jane from 922.27 to 921.80, <br />Berschen's from 915.58 to 915.29 and Sunfish from 890.55 to 890.41 <br />Engineer stated, based on today's readings, that it was his recommendation <br />to stop pumping as of August 21, 1975. This is the date our contract for <br />pumping equipment runs out with Moretrench and Sub Soil. <br />
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