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08-19-75 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-19-75 CCM
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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 19, 1975 pg. 2 <br />Flood Report Cont'd:Completion of culvert and construction of the walk bridge will <br />be completed the week of August 24, 1975. <br />Engineer submitted a report of costs, actual and anticipated, for the emergency <br />project. Total $41,866.34. Of this $10,220.59 was prior to July 15 and can <br />not be included in the assessment. Engineer recommends that a committee be <br />established of a resident of Lake Jane area, a resident of Olson Lake area, <br />counsel, 1 or 2 members of the council & possibly an off shore individual to <br />review the cost picture and come back to the eounell-with a recommendation <br />on how assessment is to be made; further that they meet August 26 and expedite <br />decision so that hearing can be set up in time for assessment to be relayed <br />to county auditor by the October 10 deadline. <br />Northern Natural-NSP:Motion by Councilman Shervehim 2nd by Councilman Abercrombie for <br />engineer to prepare letter to Northen Natural establishing a 50-50 slit for <br />cost of seal coating Lower 33rd St. N. from Lake Elmo Ave. to Klondike be- <br />cause of the condition of the road due to gas line installation. Carried 5-0. <br />Motion by Councilman Abercrombie 2nd by Councilman.iShervheim authorizing <br />expenditure of $750.00 to install 500' of 8" PVC conduit from ponding area <br />on Lower 33rd St. N to Klondike prior to reshaping of the ditch by. Northern <br />Natural. Carried 5-0. <br />Anderson House Project-2813 Lake Elmo Ave. N.:Mrs. Griffin appeared along with forty <br />interested citizens relative to a special use of the subject residence as a <br />rehabilitation center. Specifics were not known prior to meeting. Council- <br />man Pott investigated and came up with the following information. Yes, the <br />U. of Mn. has inquired about the property and offered to purchase if details <br />of use, zoning, meeting codes etc. can be worked out with the city. Program <br />is entitled Project Newgate amd is for the rehabilitation of men on pro- <br />bation. Professor Ron Severson of the U. of Mn. was behind project. <br />Mr. Severson, along with Mr. Richard Clendenon, appeared at the meeting. <br />Mr. Severson advised that he was an assistant professor at the U. of Mn. and <br />involved in the subject project. He stated that they have, to date, established <br />3 such installations; one at 1901 University Ave. in St. Paul and two in <br />Mpls. If approve the Lake Elmo site would begin with 9 students and increase <br />to 13 for the fall quarter. All students would be 19-22 years of age and <br />would attend 916 Vo-Tech. Students would be controlled ; they would have a <br />curfew and be under the control of a probation officer and/or a parole <br />officer and would be supervised 7 days a week. He invited anyone to contact <br />Mr. T. Johnson or Mrs.Phyllis Cahn in Mpls. as well as the University Police <br />to determine the status and conditions of the 3 places now in operation. <br />In answer to a question as to where do these students come from he replied <br />that 50% are from reformitories and 50% are directed to them by the courts. <br />Eventually the project would come under a non-profit group with the name <br />Center for Group Studies. <br />Comments by Mr. Griffin and Mr. Keller and endorsed by those in attendance <br />that they did not support approval of any such actibity in the area.Lake <br />Elmo, unlike St. Paul and Mpls. has minimal police and fire coverage and <br />are not equipped to cope with any additional problems. They are against <br />bringing known offenders into the area and upsetting the present quality <br />of life in the area. Citizens were not against rehabilitation but felt <br />other areas better equipped to handle and control such a program. <br />Mr. Severson advised that they still planned to follow-up on plan and hoped <br />to convince residents that this use was not objectionable. <br />Mrs. Griffin submitted petitions requesting council to prohibit use of <br />2813 Lake Elmo Ave. N. or any residence for drug rehabilition or similar use. <br />
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