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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 19, 1975 pg. 3 <br />Anderson House Cont'd:Residents asked the council to live up to the letter of the law <br />and prohibit such a use in a residential area. <br />Batten Timber:Requested amendment to Special Use Permit 1088. Forester Beach has been <br />working with Mr. Benson and supports the operation because of local need. <br />If approved Mr. Beach will police operation and keep council informed. <br />Question was raised as to objection by neighboring Grant Township. Mr. Beach <br />advised that they were aware of plans and approved. <br />Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilman Abercrombie that a 90 day <br />trial approval be given subject to written approval by the land owner for said <br />use of property and written approval for use from the contiguous land owners. <br />Also approval is subject to the 11 provisions set forth in the letter from <br />Midwest Planning dated August 15, 1975 plus item 12 covering restoration of <br />land used for burning pits when burning operation ceases. Carried 5-0. <br />Dreher: Motion by Councilman Abercrombie 2nd by Councilwoman Lyons to grant variance <br />and permit erection of a pole building at 7515 loth St. N. Carried 5-0. <br />Geoarge Hedges -Water Shed Report:George Hedges, Norman Lyall, Dave Morgan and Charles <br />Taylor combined to report on the meeting of the Valley Branch Watershed Dist. <br />on August 14, 1975. Charts were shown of the variations on the underwater <br />water tables based on information obtained from the 11 test wells ( five <br />new ones have been installed to give them broader coverage of information. <br />Results show changes resulting from current activity. <br />Mr Rosas announced that an EIS is required; this will delay until 1979-80 <br />any action for a solution to the Lake Elmo water problems. <br />Group recommended that Lake Elmo establish a Surface Water Management Plan. <br />Tri-Lakes High Water:George Hedges expressed opinion that, regardless of the engineer's { <br />decision that we cease pumping, the necessity to continue pumping still <br />exists, and we should keep pumping right up to the end of the emergency <br />in the resolution, September.15, 1975. <br />Claims: Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilman Abercrombie to allow clerk <br />to pay claims 75481 thru 75498. Carried 5-0. <br />Minutes: Change minutes of the August 12, 1975 Special Meeting to show that Council <br />man Abercrombie favored authorizing 80 hours of additional help to complete <br />the required maintenance this year. Motion carried 4-0 rather than 3-1. <br />Motion by Councilman Pott 2nd by Councilinan Abercrombie to approve the <br />minutes of the Spectral Meeting August 12, 1975 as amended/ Carried 5-0. <br />Resolution R75-30:Councilman Abercrombie presented Resolution R75-30 establishing 1st <br />National Bank of St. Paul as a paying agent for the City of Lake Elmo and <br />asked council concurrence. 2nd by Councilman Shervheim. Carried 4-0 with <br />Mayor Eder abstaining. <br />Correspondence: Acknowledged receipt of notice on Woodbury's amendment to their <br />Municipal. Plan. A <br />A contribution of $200.00 was received from Bonestroo & Assoc. with a letter <br />requesting that money be used for recreational equipment. <br />( Adjourment,:Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilman Pott that meeting be adjourned <br />at 11;35 PM/ Carried 5-0. <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />City clerk <br />