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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 2, 1975 pg. <br />Meeting called to order at 7:33 PM by Acting Mayor Shervheim. <br />Present: Acting Mayor Shervheim, Councilman Pott and Councilwoman Lyons. <br />Absent: Mayor Eder and Councilman Abercrombie. <br />Also present:Bldg. Insp. Mueller, Counsel Raleigh and Engineer Noyes(9:00 PM). <br />Olinger: Joe Moris advised that Carl Olinger was planning on selling his house and <br />wanted to know if it had to be on a 5 acre parcel or if could be on one <br />acre. He was advised that one acre would be acceptable but it must be <br />platted. If they are interested in this approach they should make applic- <br />ation for platting-thru the city office. <br />Eden Park: Bruce Folz and Paul Emerson appeared relative to Eden Park Plan. Bruce <br />explained that they have reviewed the letters from the city engineer and <br />from the Valley Branch Watershed District and have reacted positively to <br />all items requested. A revised plan, along with a letterdated September 2 <br />from Orr-Schelen-Myerson & Assoc. explaining the changes, was submitted. <br />They request approval of the grading plan, the mining permit, platting <br />and permit for Mr. Moris to start building on Lot 23 Block 2. No public- <br />ation of a hearing has been initiated for the mining permit. Clerk instructed <br />to arrange for publication and set up for hearing at the PZC meeting of <br />September 22, 1975 at 7:30 PM. <br />Motion by Councilman Pott 2nd by Councilwoman Lyons to approve the street <br />grading plan subject to the engineers agreement that changes to plan com- <br />ply with chose requested by engineer and VBWD. Also to approve a single <br />residential building permit for Lot 23 Block 2 Eden Park for Ray Moris <br />subject to a bond, a certified check or a saving certificate in the amount <br />of $500.00 being filed with the city clerk to guarantee individual lot <br />platting in the event Eden Park Plat is not completed, Carried 3-0 with <br />Mayor Eder and Councilman Abercrombie absent. <br />Jerome Bratsch: 7934 Hill Trail. North. Mr. Bratsch indicated he purchased property in <br />February of 1966; culvert installed and blacktop laid in spring of that <br />year. Bldg. Insp. advised that prior to installation of culvert and black - <br />topping road was continually washing out in this area. The installation <br />improved an existing problem. Engineer's letter of August 21, 1975 suggests <br />possibility of installation of 200' of 18" cement pipe to resolve problem. <br />but an easement is necessary. Mr. Bratsch indicated he would give ease- <br />ment if it didn't affect the lot and make it non -buildable. Engineer to <br />respond further based on information available. Mr. Bratsch to be advised <br />of final decision on what can be done and by whom. <br />Special Meeting:Meeting scheduled for September 9, 1975. Council will meet at 7:00 PM <br />and will discuss flooding problems. At 7:30 PM council will meet in joint <br />session with the PZC to discuss sewer timetable and related item, zoning <br />and lot sizes. At 8:00 PM council will go into a separate session to dis- <br />cuss other items including the 1976 budget. <br />834-Cimarron:Contract proposal for offering or extending sewer service to Oakland Jr. <br />High School. Counsel instructed to give contract to engineer requesting <br />that we get a written report from the engineer as soon as possible. <br />Building Inspector: Requested permission to attend course sponsored by Inver Grove <br />Heights Jr. College, at city expense of $30.75.if it did not conflict with <br />the course on energy and its application for the bldg. insp.. <br />Motion by Councilwoman Lyons 2nd by Councilman Pott to authorize bldg. <br />insp. additional amount of $30.75 to attend special course. Carried 3-0. <br />