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09-02-75 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-02-75 CCM
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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 2, 1975 <br />pg. 2 <br />Water Dep't:Water tank contract for cathodic protection. <br />Motion by Counilwoman Lyons 2nd by Councilman Pott to authorize clerk to <br />enter into a contract with Wallace & Tiernan for cathodic protection. In- <br />stallation to be made in 1976 at a cost of $188.00. Carried 3-0. <br />Dutch Elm -Right of way:The city council has not established a policy of removing dis- <br />eased blvd. trees. If it appears necessary for council to remove these <br />trees they would first hold an improvement hearing so that cost can be <br />assessed against the benefiting property owner. <br />Mayor advised that a tree was down due to flooding on Hill Trail North. <br />Maintenance crew will check this out. <br />Census: Janet Hyde - US Census Rep. advised that after a thorough census with re- <br />view the unofficial census for Lake Elmo is 4747. The council accepted the <br />information and advised clerk to relay to Mrs. Hyde their intention not to <br />certify the census. <br />Advance Refunding:Clerk advised that no bids were received on request for bids for <br />$739,000 Advance Refunding of Park Bonds. Mr. Steve Mattson, Juran and <br />Moody, requested permission to be able to try again.. <br />Councilwoman Lyons offered Resolution R75-31 authorizing Juran and Moody, <br />without further clearance from the City of Lake Elmo, to solicit bids for <br />Advance Refunding on park bonds, thru December 31, 1975 if the market <br />indicates that positive sale might be likely. Second by Councilman Pott. <br />Carried 3-0. <br />Ken Sovereign:Mr. Sovereign advised that he had done some investigating and feels that <br />some HUD money may be available from the COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING <br />GRANT to assist the city of Lake Elmo in paying the costs of fighting the <br />current flooding problem. He suggested that city initiate application thru <br />counsel and he would assist in any way he could. <br />Councilwoman Lyons offered Resolution R75-32 authorizing Counsel to make <br />application for HUD funds thru COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK PLANNING GRANT <br />to offset some of the flood control costs. Mr. Ken Sovereign would be del- <br />egated to work with counsel to follow through on request. Second by <br />Councilman Pott. Carried 3-0. <br />Flood Control:Tri-Lakes-Ken Sovereign requested that the council adopt plan (July 15, <br />1975 Tri-Lakes Proposal) for permanent solution to high water problem. <br />Jack Meier insisted that council take positive action to resolve water <br />problem on long term basis. Suggested culvert from Lake Jane to Berschen's <br />Pondwith controlled gravity flow as a start. Engineer estimated 500 ft. <br />of concrete pipe , at a cost of $10,000, would be necessary. <br />N. Lyall - Claims that at an informal meeting DNR, Mr. Harnack, indicated <br />they would consider such a request. <br />Tom Noyes distributed an outline for a Lake Elmo Flood Control Program. <br />It seemed to satisfy a number of those present that the council was moving '. <br />in the right direction but emphasized the need for action now. <br />Current readings show relationship of levles from August 26 to September 2. <br />Long Lake N. 938.90 down to 938.74, Long IaII S. 938.90 down to 938.70, <br />galb/G�bJsorr-Lake down from 924.51 to 924.42, D-e ---- nd up from 923.51 to 923.71, <br />Lake Jane down from922.07 to 921.94 and Sunfish Lake up from 890.66 to <br />890.76. Q_" <9&n-6_j_ • YAw.Ra a 7A9,S9 daivnaa3r <br />Transfer of Funds:Motion by Councilwoman Lyons 2nd by Councilman Pott authorizing <br />clerk to transfer necessary funds from the Sewer Sinking Fund to the <br />
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