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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 20, 1976 pg 1 <br />Meeting called to order at 5:10 PM by Mayor Eder. <br />Present: Mayor Eder, Councilmen Abercrombie, Shervheim & Pott and <br />Councilwoman Lyons. <br />Also Present:Bldg. Insp. Mueller, Counsel Raleigh and Engineer Noyes(9:00). <br />3M-EIS: Clerk instructed to write letter to Mr. David Licht requesting <br />that he review the 1st draft of the 3M-EIS prepared by the City <br />of Oakdale and submit written comments on the report. <br />Lanes Demontreville Country Club: Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by <br />Councilman Abercrombie that counsel make application to pur- <br />chase the tax forfeit property in Lanes Demontreville Country <br />Club Plat and that the description of property be referred to <br />Park Advisory Board for their comments. Counsel also to advises <br />PAB regarding identification of access property on Lake Demon- <br />treville. Carried 5-0. <br />AMM; Mayor Eder advised that he had attended the meeting of the <br />General Membership of the AMM on January 8, 1976. Attempts to <br />make changes in the legislative policies, for the most part, <br />fell on deaf ears. He felt that it was obvious, because of the <br />large representation of the large cities, that the larger <br />cities controlled the association. <br />Comprehensive P1an:A committee of Councilman Abercrombie, PZC Chairman <br />Johnson and Planner David Licht was appointed to review the <br />items in the comprehensive plan that require change and set <br />up a priority list and a timetable of action required. <br />_Eden Park: A development contract has been signed by all. concerned parties <br />with work remaining to be done scheduled for completion by <br />October 1, 1976. Bond for completion of the work has been set <br />at &80,000 to conform to engineers recommendation in letter <br />dated January 9, 1976. Counsel has received a check in the <br />amount of $862.50 which the cash part of the donation toward <br />recreational facilities. In addition there is a 6 acre tract <br />in the approximate center of the property that is also part <br />of the land dedication.(see plat map for specific dimensions). <br />Gas Inspector:Motion by Councilman Abercrombie 2nd by Councilman Pott <br />to appoint Duane Grace as city gas inspector and as auxilliary <br />building inspector based on the recommendation of Building <br />Inspector Mueller. Carried 5-0. <br />Fire Code: Committee of Norm Sjoblom, Duane Grace and Councilman Pott to <br />review the Uniform Fire Code. They would discuss with the <br />local firemen. The new code is under the Minnesota Department <br />of Public Protection and delegates the authority for main- <br />taining the code to the building inspector. Committee will <br />report back to the council with a recommendation. <br />Insurance Committee:Discussion relative to makeup of committee. Council- <br />man Pott suggested the possibility of an insurance agent, a <br />large user of insurance and an interested citizen. Names sug- <br />gested for the committee were Bob Hoffman, Calvin Brcbkman, <br />Wm. Hagberg, Dave Zinchlag and Harold Nelson. Councilman Pott <br />will set up the committee. <br />