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01-20-76 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-20-76 CCM
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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 20, 1976 pg.2 <br />Eldon Loescher:Motion by Councilman Abercrombie 2nd by Councilman Shety- <br />heim to approve rezoning of Lot 4 County Auditor's Plat #8 <br />from GB to a residential classification per recommendation of <br />the PZC. Carried 5-0. <br />PZC Appointments:Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilwoman Lyons <br />to appoint Mr. Tom Torseth to the PZC for a three (3) year <br />term to expire December 31, 1978. Carried 5-0. <br />Motion by Councilman Abercrombie 2nd by Councilman Pott to <br />appoint Mr. Brian Crombie to fill out the unexpired term of <br />Mr. Todd Williams on the PZC. Term to expire December 31, <br />1976. Carried 5-0. <br />Demontreville Highlands:MR. Roger Derrick and Mr. Robert Gottsacker were <br />on hand and asked the council if they.felt the zoning was <br />acceptable and if acceptable can they proceed with their plan <br />for development. <br />Mr. Ken Sovereign, a citizen in the area, urged the council <br />to act favorably stating that he felt it was a good use for <br />the area and was well planned. <br />Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilwoman Lyons that <br />council approve rezoning of the Derrick-Crombie property in <br />accordance with the application and based on the recommendation <br />of the city planner. 2.Counsel instructed to prepare necessary <br />ordinance and that planner reduce his recommendation to writing <br />so a written record of the recommendations can be given to the <br />council for the permanent records. 3. Preliminary plat be <br />approved in concept subject to complying with the conditions <br />recommended by counsel, engineer and planner. 4.Also subject <br />to the park acquisition proposed by the preliminary plat be <br />agreed between the city and the developer within the budget <br />established by the city. 5Also the required environmental <br />assessment be filed by the developer. Carried 5-0. <br />VFW: lAr. Al Mitchell of VFW Post 5725 advised that the Lake Elmo <br />VFW would again host Loyalty Day Parade on May 1, 1976.He <br />explained part of what was planned and asked the city to <br />participate in the festivities. He also requested a parade <br />permit. Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilman Aber- <br />crombie that parade permit be approved.. Carreid 5-0. <br />Mayor Eder to consider a committee to determine what part Lake <br />Elmo can play. Possible members of the committee are Mrs. Wm. <br />hertzfeld, Mrs. V. Crombie, Mrs.L. Friedrich, Craig Lambert, <br />Erwin Beutel and Lloye Ebne. <br />U.S.Patrol Service:Mr. Charles Veach, President & owner appeared before <br />the council to explain the services which his patrol service <br />could offer Lake Elmo. Council listened but took no action. <br />Dick Neville of the Washington County Sheriff's Office dis- <br />puted some of the claims made by Mr. Veach. <br />Water Level Study:Councilman Shervheim offered Resolution 76-002 order- <br />ing Bonestroo & Associates to prepare an interim report on <br />potential flood damage as part of the preliminary interim <br />flood study. Estimated cost $6,292. Fie asked council to <br />approve this resolution. Second by Councilwoman Lyons. Carried 5-0 <br />
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