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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 20, 1976 pg.3 <br />Engineer Noyes reported thatthe current lake levels are as <br />follows:Sunfish 892.20, Elmo 885.75, Jane 922.05 and Olson <br />929.12. <br />Claims: Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilwoman Lyoys to <br />approve payment of claims 76048 thru 76063. Carried 4- with <br />Councilman Pott against. <br />Shafer Contracting:Letter from Robert Rudy relative to the permit for <br />the Richert pits and ability to process new material. Counsel <br />asked to review permit and determine the conditions of oper- <br />ation and report back to the council at the next meeting. <br />Advance Refunding:Councilman Shervheim offered Resolution R76-003 author- <br />izing Fiscal Agent, Juran & Moody to initiate sale of park <br />bonds for the purpose of advance refunding if the market <br />reaches a point at which all the conditions necessary for a <br />sale can be met and requested council agreement. Second by <br />Councilman Pott. Carried 5-0. <br />Minutes: Councilman Pott requested that the $100.00 clothing allowance <br />be shown as part of the 1976 salary for the maintenance em- <br />ployees. <br />Motion by Councilman Abercrombie second by Councilman Shervheim <br />to approve the minutes of the January 4, 1976 meeting as <br />amended. Carried 5-0; <br />Adjournment:Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilman Abercrombie <br />to adjourn at 11:12 PM. Carried 5-0. <br />Donald Mehsikomer <br />City Clerk <br />