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01-20-76 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-20-76 CCM
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DE MONTREVILLE HIGHLANDS PLAT: DRAFT CONDITIONS <br />FOR PLAT APPROVAL <br />Approval of the final DeMontreville Highlands Plat shall be contingent upon the <br />following conditions: <br />1 . Satisfactory compliance with all of the plan and plat requirements set down <br />in the Lake Elmo Subdivision Code as per Sections 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of the <br />Code. Within these sections, special consideration shall be given to the items <br />outlined below: <br />a. As per Section 302.02, in that the proposed DeMontreville Highlands <br />plat adjoins a public body of water, the plan shall be referred to the <br />State Commissioner of Natural Resources and the Valley Branch Watershed <br />District for their review. Subsequently, reports shall be submitted by <br />the Commissioner and the Watershed District to the Planning Commission <br />expressing recommendations for approval, disapproval or revisions. <br />b. Percolation tests and soil borings shall be submitted on soil areas rated <br />moderate or severe limitations for on -site sewage disposal systems as per <br />Section 501.02 (9), as well as representative areas throughout the plat. <br />c. A complete and adequate drainage system design shall be developed as per <br />Section 609.01 and subject to the approval of the City Engineer, with on -site <br />ponding utilized to accommodate any additional run-off resulting from the <br />subdivision. <br />d. As per Section 610.02, easements shall be provided along each side of the <br />center line of any drainage channel to a sufficient width to provide proper <br />maintenance and protection and to provide for storm water run-off and <br />potential future installation and maintenance of storm sewers. <br />e. As per Section 614.16, a preliminary resubdivision plan shall be required <br />showing a potential and feasible way in which lots may be resubdivided in <br />future years. <br />f. As per Section 702.01, streets shall be graded in accordance with a plan <br />approved by the City Engineer. A lot grading plan subject to the approval <br />of the City Engineer shall also be prepared. <br />g . Provision for turn arounds shall be made on all lots fronting on DeMontreville <br />Road and the proposed Lake Overlook Drive to eliminate problems associated <br />with backing onto major roadways. <br />
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