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2. Development of a Staging Plan, detailing the proposed timetable for and <br />location of each stage and based upon resolution of soil capabilities, access <br />and other development considerations, the possible provision for density <br />reservation. <br />3. Making available the designated park area in the form of part contribution, <br />part sale to the City, with the sale portion at a price not to exceed a total of <br />$60,000. This maximum limitation is to include expenditure of funds which <br />the City has made to date in resolving the park dedication issue. <br />4. Accommodation of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) facility for <br />fish spawning and other uses. In the event the DNR would not maintain this <br />facility, assurance that the ponding area and accompanying low areas would <br />not be altered in any environmentally damaging manner. <br />5. Preparation of an Environmental Assessment, as per MEQC 25 (Minnesota Environ- <br />mental Quality Council), Chapter 12, Item zz, which makes mandatory the <br />preparation of an Envrionmental Assessment in instances of development of more <br />than 50 residential units within 1,000 feet of a shoreline. <br />