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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 2, 1976. <br />N[eeting called to order at 5:19 p.m., by Mayor Eder. <br />Present: Mayor Eder, Councilmen Abercrombie, Shervheim and Pott <br />and Councilwoman Lyons. <br />Also present: Counsel Raleigh, Engineer Noyes and Planner Senness. <br />Potential Flood Damage Report: (copy on file in city office). <br />Tom sucrcrested their are several options: <br />1. City to take no action; <br />2. Flood proof those structures that are in dancrer <br />of flooding; <br />3. Retain water on Lake Demontreville and Lake Olson; <br />4. Remove water from flood areas by pumping. <br />He explained some of the costs involved to assist <br />council in making a determination. <br />6:30 p.m. -- Recess --- 7:36 p.m. --Reconvene. <br />Appointment: Citizens Route Evaluation Committee. <br />Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilman <br />Abercrombie to appoint Karen Folz to Citizens <br />Route Evaluation Committee to represent the City <br />of Lake Elmo. Carried 5-0. <br />Insurance Committee: Seven of the eight people invited t., serve <br />on the Insurance Committee accepted. C. Brockman, <br />V. Douglas, W. Iiacrherg, R. Hoffman, E. LeClair, <br />II. Nelson and J. Zignego. The initial meeting is <br />scheduled for rlarch 9, 1976--7:30 p.m. in city office. <br />Councilmen Shervheim and Pott will attend to explall-I <br />what is requested of the committee. <br />PZC: Council to meet with PZC at 8:30 p.m. <br />Physical Development Committee: This committee,f.rom Metro Council, <br />is reviewing the report on the Lake Elmo Airport. A <br />meeting is scheduled for March 24, 1976, 8:30 p.m. at <br />Hooley Hall, Washington County Fair Grounds. <br />Capital Improvement Committee: The following names were suggested as <br />possible members of this committee. D. Bakke, D. Keller, <br />M. K1ohn, R. Logue, D. Moris and D. Ziton. These <br />individuals as well -is those listed in the minutes of <br />the February 17, 1976 meeting will. receive a letter <br />(prepared by mayor and clerk) and several days after <br />receipt of the letter,a follow-up call will be made to <br />determine if they are available to serve on committee. <br />Ebertz: Counsel Raleigh has Ebertz as a client and as a result <br />stepped down as counsel in favor of Jim Lammers, to <br />avoid conflict of interest. Mayor Eder agreed that <br />council approved of Mr. Lammers. Request is for re- <br />zoning of a 20 acre tract in section 35 from SFU to <br />General Business. Counsel advised council that they <br />had three choices. <br />1. Grant the request because it appears compatable <br />with city plan. <br />