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Minutes of the Lake Elmo City Council Meeting June 1.5, 1976. <br />Meeting called to order at 5:00 p.m. <br />Present: Mayor Eder, Councilmen Abercrombie, Shervheim, and Pott and <br />Councilwoman Lyons arrived at 5:'5• <br />Also Present: W. Park, acting clerk, Bldg. Insp. Mueller, and Engineer <br />Boonestroo. <br />J. Rogers: L. Shervheim reported on negotiations between the City and <br />J. Rogers of Lake Elmo Hardwoods in regard to proper grading, <br />black —topping for purposes of soil erosion, of land being sold <br />by the City to Rogers. Shervheim will convey council's view and <br />comments on the project to Mr. Roger's. <br />Minnesota Department of Public Welfare: Clerk is instructed to reply to Minnesota <br />Department of Public Welfare's letter of June 9, ,976 regarding <br />licensing; a facility at 10092 Stillwater Lane, informing them and <br />Nekton, Inc. that an application for a Special Use Permit and <br />variance is required before any liceme can be isued by the <br />State of Minnesota. <br />Lake Levels: Lake levels were reported as follows as of June 15, 1976: <br />Long Lake North 937.86 Jane Lake 922.28 <br />Long Lake South 937•81 City Park Pond 897.'0 <br />Olson Lake 929.07 Sun.fich Lake 892.55 <br />Deer Pond 924-07 Elmo Lake 885.6' <br />VBWD Pumping Plan: G. Hedges presented an emergency pumping program for the <br />balance of 1976 whereby the City of Lake Elmo would be the agent <br />and the VBWD the sponsor of the program. An estimate of $5,650 <br />would be involved. After much discussion B. Abercrombie moved <br />and L. Shervheim seconded the adoption of Resolution R-76-19 <br />whereby the City would apply for the extension of its pumping <br />permit and request transfer of it of the name of the VBWD. <br />Motion carried 5 - 0. <br />Joint Meeting: Council will ask N. Schwab, county planner, to address a <br />joint meeting of the Council and PZC to explain Washington <br />County's Plan. <br />Lake Elmo Comprehensive Plan: Upon review of Metro Council's letter of <br />June 2, 1976 concerning adoption of City's Comprehensive Plan, <br />B. Abercrombie moved and L. Shervheim seconded the adoption of <br />Resolution R-76-18, a resolution adopting a revised comprehensive <br />plan for the City of Lake Elmo; establishing the saidplan as <br />the principal expression of municipal policies in guiding the <br />physical development of the City, and providing for periodic <br />review thereof. Motion carried 5 - 0. <br />Meeting adjorned at 6:35 p.m. and reconvened at 7:30 p.m. <br />