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MINUTES OF LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, AUG. 17, 1976. <br />MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 5:04 pm, by Mayor Eder. <br />PRESENT: Mayor Eder, Councilmen Abercrombie, Shervheim and Pott <br />and Councilwoman Lyons. <br />ALSO PRESENT: Bldg. Insp. Mueller (7:30 - 9:30), Counsel Raleigh <br />and Engineer Bonestroo(5: 0 0 to 6:30). <br />Planner Licht (5:30-6:30). <br />Northland Ski: Steve Kopesky-- Current building is on a special <br />use permit. He is requesting permission to add on 800 <br />sq. ft. for additional storeage. He is renting from <br />Mrs. Pierre and has her permission. <br />Motion by Councilman Abercrombie 2nd by Councilman <br />Shervheim approving the request in principal. Mr. Kopesky <br />to apply for a bldg. permit covering the modification with <br />approval permitted if all the applicable codes were met. <br />Carried 5-0. <br />911 System: Mayor Eder explained the principle of the 911 proposed <br />regarding emergency calls. Motion by Councilman Abercrombie <br />2nd by Councilman Shervheim to endorse having Lake Elmo <br />emergency 911 calls channeled thru !Washington County Sheriff <br />per plan B. Carried 5-0. <br />Jim Barton: Metro Council-- Appeared to discuss in general the <br />Comprehensive Plan. <br />Recess at 6:30pm. Reconvene at 7:30 p.m. <br />Stankey S.U.P. -- Mr. Stankey advised that the SUP he was seeking <br />would be temporary (18 months) as he was looking for <br />different property outside of Lake Flmo where facility would <br />be no problem. Bldg. Insp. Mueller advised that the original <br />request (bldg. permit) was approved on the basis that this <br />was a hobby only, not a commercial enterprise. The new <br />request for an addition was definitely for commercial purposes. <br />Motion by !layor Eder to deny request on the basis that parcels <br />on either side of Mr. Stankey were already developed as <br />residential and this would set a precedent. The purpose of <br />the SUP is for temporary use of land when primary use does not <br />exist at the time. Also that it Maces an obstruction in <br />view of the neighbors. Second by Councilman Abercrombie. <br />Carried 5-0. <br />Insurance Committee: 5 of the 6 members appeared before the council <br />to discuss their report in more detail. In general they <br />feel that the city is under insured. They propose an appraisal <br />by a professional appraiser or at least a contractor. <br />Bldg. INspector advised that he could submit a value based <br />on the state code. Committee suggested that get inventory <br />of fixtures and assessments establish values and set up <br />accrual acctq. <br />