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08-03-76 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-03-76 CCM
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MINUTES OF THF. LAKE FLMO CITY COUNCIL PIERTINr., AUGUST 3, 1976. <br />Meeting called to order. at 7:45 p.m. by acting Mavo.r Abercrombie. <br />Present: Councilmen Abercrombie and Shervheim and Lyons. <br />Absent: ^4.ayor Eder & Councilman Pott. <br />Also present: Bldg. Insp. Mueller & Counsel Raleigh. <br />Claims: "lotion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilwoman Lvons <br />to approve payment of claims 76745 to 76750 and 76774 to <br />76813 and 76826. Carried 3-0. mayor Fder & Councilman Pott <br />absent. <br />Defective Sewer Systems: Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd. by <br />Councilwoman Lyons instructing counsel to send letters to <br />30 homes with septic systems below the required minimum <br />standard and informing them that they are required to take <br />corrective action to bring the system up to code. <br />Carried 3-0. <br />Water Surface Use. Zoning_ Study Committee: Letter addressed to <br />Mayor from committee asking questions pertinent to lake <br />surface use. Counsel will respond to the mayor on these <br />issues. <br />Demontreville IIi_ahlands--Roger Derrick--zequested. final approval of <br />plat for phase 1 of development. Councilman Shervheim <br />offered Resolution 776-26 approving Demontreville ?Tighlands <br />Plat subject to execution of the development agreement and <br />approval of counsel and engineer verifying that everything <br />is as.rec?uired and asked for council approval. 2nd by <br />Councilwoman Lyons. Carried. 3-0. <br />Mr. Stankev: Appeared relative to a S.U.P. to erect an additional <br />greenhouse on his Premises at 841^ Lake ,lane Trail which <br />is in a SFU lone. <br />Letter received from six of the neighbors Protesting <br />approval on the basis of lack of proper notice of hearing_, <br />lack of written notice of regular_ meeting which they say <br />they were promised, devaluation of property and building <br />would be an eyesore. Letter_ was signed by Jeffrey Stanway, <br />Dennis Opland, Brad Thyse, Frhart rules, Charles walek.and <br />Ron Hock ert. Mr. Stankey explained his intentions but did <br />not have, nor was there any copy in city files, a layout <br />plan of the lot or a plan of the buildingf. The original <br />greenhouse structure was allowed by the building inspector <br />based on the use of the facility as a hobby. The current <br />intent is to use for commercial purposes. Counsel to <br />resolve a greenhouse as a conforming use for S.TT.P. <br />Council instructed Mr. Stanky what additional detail he <br />would need for matter to be resolved. <br />The request will be reconsidered at 7:30 p.m., at the <br />next council meeting (August 17, 1976). <br />
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