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Minutes of Lake Elmo City Council Meeting, November 3.6, 1976 <br />Meeting called to order at 5:11 p.m. by Mayor Eder. <br />Present: Mayor Eder, Councilmen Abercrombie (5:20) Shervheim and <br />(8:40) Pott and Councilwoman Lyons. <br />Also present: Blda. Insp. Mueller, Counsel Raleigh (9:00) Engineer <br />Bonestroo. Planner Licht, Councilman elect Morgan. <br />McCollar: Motion by Councilman Pott 2nd by Councilwoman Lyons, <br />setting hearing date for consideration of the vacation <br />of lands lying between boundary_ of lots 675-676 and <br />680-681 and Lake Demontreville for Tuesdav, January 18, <br />1977. Carried 3-0. Councilman Abercrombie and Shervheim <br />absent at time of vote. <br />Pebble Park: National Guards: Motion by Councilwoman Lyons 2nd by <br />Councilman Pott to authorize city to replace gas used <br />by the National Guard while doing volunteer work at <br />Pebble Park. Carried 3-0. <br />DNR Permits: Fees of. $15.00 ea. required for two permits (Facrle Point <br />and Berschens Pond). Motion by Councilwoman Lyons 2nd <br />by Playor Eder to approve payment of the 515.00 permit <br />fees for the Eagle Point Fork and Berschens Pond permits <br />to the DNR. Carried 3-0. <br />Planner: Preliminary discussion exchanged relative to Metropolitan <br />Land Planning Act. Mr. Jim Christiansen and Mr. Tom Loucks <br />of Midwest Planning also attended discussion. This session <br />was informational not requiring final decisions. Letter <br />from Jim Barton of Metro Council was distributed to be <br />reviewed at council members convenience. <br />Council meeting recessed at 6:35 p.m. <br />Council meeting reconvened at 7:32 p.m. <br />Minutes: motion by Councilwoman Lyons 2nd by Councilman Pott to <br />approve minutes of November 3, 1976 as submitted. <br />Carried 4-0. Councilman Shervheim not available at time <br />of vote. <br />Truck: Councilman Pott advised that used truck which city had <br />been considering _fell thru, it is not available. <br />Maintenance crew Mr. Richert and Mr. Wier to be invited <br />to council meeting December 7, 1976 to review the truck <br />situation. <br />Cimarron: Bldg. INsp. & clerk inspected two differenct car -ports <br />at Cimarron. Bldg. insp. commented on both of these <br />additions. Two individuals Mr. Sammon and Mr. Forsblad <br />will pursue this and probably appear before the council <br />December 7, 1976. <br />