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_5 <br />1linutes of the rake r'i.ty !'ouncil r".eetincT, April., 1.977-- na. 2 <br />Tom Jungman: Re: application for SUP to build a double bungalow on <br />Lot 4, Plock 1_, Lane ,lane Bills 2nd. Aedi.tion. <br />motion Iry Mavo.r Ar_mstrona 2nd 1-),,7 Councilman ^�orrTan. <br />to denv request for a double huncralovy on Lot A, <br />?3lock 1, Lake ,lane Hills ?nr1 Addition. carried 4-0. <br />DOT -Merritt Linsey, Assistant District Fngineer--mist. 0--I-9A. <br />Reviewed the proposed layout for the council and <br />interested citizens. Requested city council to <br />consider and approve proposal by mic' summer. <br />The decision on the Southern route is irrevocahle. <br />Mr. Lindsev suggested that the council review the <br />plan with the city engineer and determine what <br />changes are requested that can be considered. <br />Highway Department will keep in touch with City <br />on the I94 project. <br />Jess Mottaz: Mayor Armstrong offered a resolution amending <br />chapter 402 of the Municinal_ rode relating to <br />Mobile Domes. Chanter 402.n21--The provisions of <br />Section 402.010 and 402.010 shall not rrohihit <br />temporary use of a mobile home as a sinc*le family <br />residence, during a Period not to exceed ten months, <br />while the family occupying the same is constructing <br />a residence on the lot on which the mobile home is <br />located.. Provided, the owner of such lot shall <br />first secure a building permit for_ the nermanent <br />residence on said lot and a Permit for termnor. ar. v <br />use of a mobile home as provided herein. `T'h(� hui_ld- <br />incr official may issue a hermit for ternorary use <br />of a mobile home for a period not to exceed ten months <br />from the date of issuing of the Permit for the <br />permanent residence provided the owner shall enter <br />into an agreement with the city, in a form satis- <br />factory to thecity attorney, agreeing to remove the <br />mobile home from the said lot no later than ten <br />months from the date of issuance of the permit for <br />the permanent home. Said agreement shall provide <br />that in the event the owner fails to remove the <br />mobile 'some in accordance with the provisions of <br />his permit, city may cause the mobile home to he <br />removed and stored in a suitable place at the owner's <br />expense. <br />The owner's performance of the said agreement will <br />be secured by a boned or a cash deposit filed with <br />the clerk in the amount of S11000. TTe requested <br />council approval. Second by Councilman rlorgan. <br />Carried 4-0. <br />FOen Park --Second Addition --?lotion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd hv_ <br />Councilwoman Lyons to approve preliminary Plat <br />(lot shown on proposal as PARE: will he established <br />as an outlot or attached to lot 1) subject to Pzr <br />recommendation proposed in their minutes of February ?8, <br />1977 meetin_a except that the easement for access ho <br />eliminated. Any easement reauirecl by ennineer for <br />utilities would he apnroved. Carried 4-0. <br />