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06-07-77 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-07-77 CCM
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Minutes of Special Committee of the council on I94. <br />Members- Councilmen Shervheim and Pott <br />Special meeting June 7, 1977 at 3:OOnm in the Lake Elmo City <br />Council Chambers. <br />Councilman Shervheim explained that since the last meetina <br />a copy of the petition which was presented to the Minnesota <br />Environmental nuality Council and apnarently ignored by them and <br />signed by some over 700 people, not all from Lake Elmo, urging <br />that the Northern route be considered,has been made available to <br />US. Additional petitions were added to the original file and <br />Councilman Shervheim acknowledged receipt. He read from the <br />petition ---the undersigned taxpayers and/or residents of 1ashington <br />County joined in this petition to urge the governing bodies of <br />Washington County and the municipalities in which they own or <br />occupy real estate to join in judicially Challenaina the selection <br />of the nresent Hiahwav 12 as the route for construction of I-9A and <br />to substitute therefore the Northern route. There are a number of <br />whereases, citing economy of the Northern Route, timesaving and <br />safety --it is therefore urged by the undersigned, manv of whom have <br />pledaed their own funds and support thereof that Washington County <br />and the municipalities in such county through action of their re- <br />snective aovernmentina bodies agree to actively sunnort and commit <br />a portion of the county and municipal funds in their custody to <br />support a judicial. review and challence, 100 additional signatures. <br />Members reviewed addresses of signers of netition. Review of nledcRes <br />revealed that $12,900.was reported. <br />Councilman Shervhein- ---Other things that influence my judgement are <br />the monies that the city has spent in planning, the 2n million dollars <br />of admitted extra costs of going the Southern Route, the maintenance <br />cost of service roads which would have to be installed along the <br />Southern Route which would not he required on the Northern ??oute, <br />at least not in the same dearee, because the Southern Route could he <br />used to carry the traffic while the Northern Route was being con- <br />structed andthen service roads would only have to he constructed as <br />the need demanded it which may be 20 or 50 or 5 or 10 vears from now. <br />But the immediate charge against the city for maintenance of these <br />service roads would not he present to the same extent, and of course <br />the 113 neopl.e who i�rere picl-ed ?in on TTI�IV. 1.2 by the T%loodbury Amhulance <br />impressed me. A delay of 5 years would perpetuate that anci I apes <br />the other thina that imnresseel me is the pretty significant display <br />of interest by quite a few People. The uncertairtty of br.ir_aina or <br />of success in a lawsuit is ever present. If the delay of bringing <br />it were material that would affect my judgement thev are still just <br />in the process of identifying the tracts on which condemnation has <br />to be commenced. Looking at the court calenders, at least in Wash- <br />ington County, I don't see a significant difference in the time when <br />they could move forward with the Southern Route whether we now take <br />a few months to ask the court to determine whether this selection <br />was reasonable. If it is successful and the Northern Route does <br />prevail we gain 5 years. If it is not successful then I don't think <br />we have caused a significant delay because they are not ready to <br />start. I would like to see us authorize some amount of city funds <br />to be expended for this purpose but that it be subject to the county <br />
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