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f <br />RESOLUTION <br />CITY OF LAID; ELM0 <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A POLICY OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY <br />=s, it i_ policy of the City of Lake Elmo to for tor elanl <br />o2yor,...0zy for all to obtain c: pl0yr'—=t, education, housing, . chliC <br />accor..odations arid p,iclic cervices without regard to race, creed, color, sex, <br />ace, national origin or ancestry; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lake Yllm recognizes that it <br />is the right of all job applicants and rzanployees to be recruited, hired, and <br />v..., .0 in all job classifications within the City without regard to race, <br />Qleed, color, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, except where sex is a <br />:,onn_ fide occuyLvional ._•.alification; <br />NOW, i-E IT RESOLVM, by the City Council of the City of Lake <br />Llr.rc t:iat the City does, hereby, declare its policy to take such action as <br />may be necessary and establish such programs as may be appropriate to ensura <br />that all recruiting, hiring, and prom" tion, in all job classifications within <br />Me City of Lake Llr.,o s4all be conducted without regard to race, creed, color, <br />sex, age, national origin or ancestry, except in those cases where sex is a <br />Dona fide occupational qualification. <br />Adopted by the City Council of the City of Lake Elmo this 17th day of <br />January, 1978. <br />THOMAS G. ARMSTRONG <br />Thomas G. Armstrong, Clerk <br />Attest: <br />DONALD MEHSIKOMER <br />Donald Mehsikomer, Clerk <br />