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Minutes of Lake Elmo City Council Meeting, January 17, 1978. pg. 2 <br />Tom Noyes --Wastewater proposal: continued: Motion by Councilman Morgan <br />2nd by Councilman Pott to authorize engineer to <br />prepare a proposal and have it available to the <br />Adm. Assistant and council prior to January 30,1978 <br />so proposal can be reviewed and a decision rendered. <br />Carried 5-0. <br />Airport: suggestion that we invite a member of the Metro Council Air- <br />port Committee to a subsequent meeting to discuss <br />the airport plans as they affect the Lake Elmo Air- <br />port --No specific time was set. <br />System Statement: Metro Council has amended the Lake Elmo System.State- <br />ment--specifically in the area of sewer. Council <br />will reserve comment until more information is re- <br />ceived. We have 60 days to respond. Adm. Assistant <br />Whittaker to send letter to Metro Council requesting <br />a letter of explanation and justification. <br />Rossow: Request permission to subdivide 50 acre parcel into 10 lots <br />slightly less than-5 acres to allow for required <br />road easements which would reduce the land available <br />to approx. 47.5 acres. <br />Motion by Mayor Armstrong 2nd by Councilman Morgan <br />not to deviate from policy and require the full five <br />acres. Carried 5-0. <br />Brookman: Presented a concept plan of the Brockman Addition Which had <br />been recommended for approval by pzc. The addition <br />will be processed in three phases. Motion by <br />Councilman Morgan 2nd by Councilman Pott authorizing <br />Adm. Assistant Whittaker to prepare a Resolution <br />covering the concept approval and authorizing engineer <br />to do the engineering.on.streets, water and storm <br />Voter system for the business development. <br />Resolution to be considered at Council Meeting, <br />February 7, 1978. Carried 4-0. Councilman Shervheim <br />absent. Councilman Pott suggested passible consider- <br />ation for a site for a 2nd well and water tank, <br />Development Financing: Council request that we invite Steve Mattson to <br />the council meeting February 7, 1978 to discuss the <br />Tablyn Park 2nd Addition financing proposal. <br />Arendt special Use Permit: Draft of Resolution R78 held over until <br />the meeting February 7, 1978 t-o allow council an <br />opportunity to review the draft before making a <br />decision. <br />Water Rate Resolution: Resolution R78 relative to water rates should. <br />show an effective &j_te of January 1, 1978 and also <br />show the additional increase scheduled for January 1, <br />1979. Revised Resolution to be.considered February 7, <br />1978. Meter policy, copy distributed, to be reviewed <br />and council to consider changes- examples meter cost, <br />replacement costs, etc. Place on 2/7/78 agenda. <br />