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Minutes of Lake Elmo City Council Meeting, January 3, 1978. <br />Called to order at 7:37 p.m. by Acting ^;ayor Shervheim. <br />Present: Mayor Armstrong, 7:40, Councilmen Pott, Shervheim and Morgan <br />( and Councilwoman Lyons,7:40. <br />Also present: Adm. Assistant Whittaker, Counsel Raleigh and Engineer Noyes. <br />Assessment Committee: I:irby Kennedy, Chairman of the assessment committee, <br />discussed possible options and asked for some direction <br />in resolving the 1976 Flood. Control Assessment. <br />Clerk to supply Mr. Kennedy with information relative <br />to legal notice, to who was it mailed and what was the <br />total cost of the 1976 Flood Control Program. <br />Foxfire: Councilman Shervheim offered Resolution R78-1 approving <br />Concept Plan for Foxfire Subdivision Proposed under the <br />Provisions of Chapter. 302 of the City Code Providing for. <br />Planned Unit Development. Second by Councilwoman Lyons. <br />Councilman Morgan abstained. Carried 4-0. <br />Green Acres: Councilman Shervheim offered Resolution R78-2 approving <br />Concept Plan for Springborns Green Acres, a Subdivision <br />proposed under the Provisions of Chapter 302 of the City <br />Code Providing for Planned Unit Development. Second by <br />Councilwoman Lyons. Councilman Morgan abstained. <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />Bruce Folz, representing the developers of Foxfire and i <br />Green Acres, reuuested permission to have the city engineer,' <br />do the Storm Water. Study and the Engineering Design Study <br />on a pass thru basis. <br />Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2.nd by Councilman Pott to <br />approve use of city engineer for the Storm Water Study and j <br />the Engineering Study with the stipulation that the <br />developer post with the city a deposit from which the <br />monthly billings can be paid on a pass thru basis. I <br />Carried. Engineer to set up an estimate of costs on <br />both projects to determine amount of deposit. <br />Hunting Ordinance 7414: Motion by Mayor Armstrong 2nd by Councilman Pott <br />to approve ordinance 1�7414 amending_ Section 1301 of the <br />Lake Elmo Municipal Code, Relating to Possession and Dis- <br />charge of Weapons. This removes authorization of a lessee <br />to give hunting permission and restricts it only to the <br />landowner. It further directs that the owner give a <br />reasonable description of the land covered on the permit. <br />Carried 5•-0. <br />Donation: Mr. Dau representing the Lake Elmo Lions and Earl Goerss <br />representing Lake Elmo VFW presented to the City of Lake <br />Elmo a check for $1,212.22, profit from a cooperative <br />venture, to be used for park purposes. Carried 5-0. <br />Discussion on projects brought to light a need and desire <br />for soccer nets at an estimated cost of $300.00. ether <br />than that the only thought was to try to use funds <br />in the area of Lions 'Park & VFW Ballfield. <br />