<br />Meeting called to order at 5:06 p.m., by Councilman Pott.
<br />Present: Mayor Armstrong (St12-6s00.14 30). Councilwoman Lyons and
<br />Councilmen Morgan, Pott and Shexvheim.
<br />Also present: Adm. Asst. Whittaker, Counsel Marshall (605-7:40).
<br />Bldg. Insp., Mueller (5s45-9a30), and Enginear, Noyes (7:30-8:00):
<br />Agenda: Corrections --Insert Engineer Noyes from 7:30-7tO ,Delete,
<br />Hjelmgren SUP :From clerks report and ?ohn Johnson Pearl
<br />Patterson from Adm.ASst. report. Motioh by Councilman
<br />Morgan 2nd by Councilwoman Lyons to approve agenda as
<br />amended.,, Carried 4-0, Mayor Armstrong not available at
<br />time of wrote.
<br />Zero Base Budgeting --Maynard Eder; becribed in rough outli:ie the phil-
<br />osophy of 0aro Base Budgeting. He stated that at, first
<br />glance the general, reaction is to disagree,but actual ex-
<br />perienco has oonvinced Trim that it is worthwhile for business,
<br />industry and government. Ho offered to assist the city if
<br />they do d ide to try it.. Adoption of such a system will
<br />requir.0 complete council involvement:..
<br />Newsletter— Mollie Hedges; Mrs. Hodges pxe"ntad a report on bids for
<br />printing a nowrislotter in the various styles ava3.l,able.
<br />(Copy of bid report on fi.la)o Casts warted from $86.R5 to
<br />$950,004, She .concluded by a,dvisinor that she intended to
<br />put together a final rocormAendation fox, the couneil' to Con -
<br />War. Quostjons council has to rssolvo are number of issues,
<br />s:ixe, pigtureso formats,: value etc.
<br />Next ,reportt will include total c gto p+raparati oft r printing,
<br />mailing, etc*
<br />John Mueller-wBl:dg. Insp. prooedure.. ,A compossite Of -ideas of area bldg.
<br />inspootors to.beinq assembled. (Copy of Shakopee procedure
<br />whissh was a, guide, on file in city dffics&)., lnspegtor will
<br />re(uest city approval of farm. Copy of Shakopee form to
<br />counsol, for review. Bldg. Inspector and Adm, Assistant to
<br />gat tdgothar for purpose of additional input into the final-
<br />ized :farm.
<br />Recess at 600 -- Reconvened at 708 P,M,
<br />Tom Noyes Hnginersr--Comptehensive Storm Sewer Planning.
<br />Recommend that the city consider purchasing topographic
<br />maps, with a 2 ft, (contours, for certain karts of the city.
<br />Areas to be consideredt 1, anything tributary to Sri -Takes,
<br />2'. area around Cty. Hwy. 6 A44 Hwy, 212, and 1. they old
<br />village area (to include Legion pond). Cost estimate approx.
<br />$6,000. Engineer to get an inventory of what is avallabI6
<br />( 3M, Me County Park, Talley Branch WU and others)f, and
<br />prepare an estimate of costs,
<br />what are the circumstances that would make this a pass thru
<br />charges To whom?
<br />