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Minutes of the Lake Elmo City Council Meeting,February 7, 1978 -pg. 2 <br />Minutesi- January 30, 1978e, Councilman Pott advised that the motion on <br />repair of grader was omitted, it should be added. <br />Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilman Pott <br />to approve expenses of up to $3,500. for repair of <br />grader. Carried 3-0. (Mayor Armstrong and Councilman <br />Morgan were,,, -absent). <br />Motion to approve minutes of January 30, 1978 special <br />meeting of the council as amended, made by Councilman <br />Shervheim 2nd by Councilwoman Lyons. Carried. 3-0. <br />Mayor Armstrong and Councilman Morgan abstained. <br />Speed Zones: Report from the Mn.Highway Dept, that our request for <br />reduced speeds on Ideal Ave. N. were reviewed and the <br />following changes made: Hwy. 212 to Hidden Flay Trail <br />reduced to 45 mph. Hidden Bay Road to Cty. Hwy. 68 <br />to 35 mph and Cty. Hwy. 68 to Hwy. 36, 30mph. The <br />area South of 212 set at 35 mph. <br />The 30 mph zone on Lake ElmoAve. No., had been moved <br />a slight distance South of the Lohmann access road <br />however sign is not strategically located. Clerk has <br />requested Washington Cty. Hwy. Dept. to consider moving <br />zone (sign) south of the curve so it is plainly visible. <br />The request for speed zone study in Cimarron has been <br />presented to the Attorney Generals office and we are <br />awaiting a decision. <br />Traffic sign: Clerk instructed to contact Washington County Hwy. Dept. <br />and request a blind approach sign on Demontreville''Rad <br />prior to the Hilltop access road. <br />Claims: Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Mayor to approve payment <br />of claims 78058 thru 78110. Carried 5-0. <br />Polices Received a communification from Duane Spoors.indicnting that <br />the 1978 proposed contract for police protection will <br />cost the City of Lake Elmo $24,884 (estimated). The <br />final cost for 1977 was $37,419, $1,1667 over original <br />estimate, Meeting to discuss contract sbadduled for <br />7;00 p.m. Fob. 9, 1978 in the Board Room of the Washing- <br />ton County Co6rthouse, N. 0. tyall,.D. Morgan and <br />L. Whittaker will probably attend for the City of Lake <br />Elmo. <br />August Construction: Minor subdivision —Lots 5 and 6 Demontreville <br />Highlands 2nd Addition --House incorrectly placed on <br />lot 5. August Construction has purchased lot 6 and is <br />requesting a subdivision. Both lots will be in excess <br />of the required acre size. <br />Motion by Councilman Pott 2nd by Councilman Shervheim <br />to approve minor subdivision of lots 5 and 6, Demontre- <br />ville Highlands 2nd Addition (see certificate of survey <br />on file in city office for special details). <br />Carried 5-0. <br />Noreen Variance: Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilman Pott <br />to approve variance to a 20 ft. setback from Highland <br />Trail No „ rather than required 301. Carried 5-0. <br />