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Minutes of Lake Elmo City Council Meeting, April 18, 1978. <br />Meeting called to order at 5:07 p.m., by Mayor Armstrong. <br />Presents Mayor Armstrong, Councilwoman Lyons (5:12) and Council- <br />men Morgan, Pott and Shervheim (5:30). <br />Also present: Adm. Ass't. Whittaker, Bldg, Insp. Mueller, Counsel <br />Raleigh and Engineer Noyes. <br />Agenda: Motion by Councilman Pott 2nd by Councilman Morgan to approve <br />agenda. Carried 3--0. Councilwoman Lyons and Council- <br />man Shervheim absent at time of vote. <br />Sewer Study: Engineer Noyes delivered 20 copies of the 1978 Report <br />on Wastewater Treatment for the old Village Area of <br />Lake Elmo. (Copy on file in City Office). Several <br />alternate plans are previewed in the report. Item <br />will be placed on agenda of May 2, 1978 meeting for <br />further discussion and possible decision. <br />Engineer was asked to put together a matrix on the <br />various alternate proposals to assist council in <br />determining advantages and/or disadvantages of each <br />of the alternate proposals. Try to schedule for a <br />dune Public Hearing. <br />Subdivision Ordinance: Engineer pointed out that some of the road <br />specs should not be included as policy. The ordinance <br />should not be specific but should refer to a city spec. <br />This would allow for changes to the spec without amend- <br />ing the ordinance. <br />Kenridge Addition Drainage: Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by <br />Councilman Morgan to approve expenditure for and install- <br />ation of 2 culverts; one under 36th, and one under 37th. <br />in Kenridge Addition. Installation by city crew. <br />Location of installation to be determined by Engineer <br />Noyes and city crew. Carried 5-0, <br />Tabl.yn Park, 2nd Addition: An easement is 'required 10'.k:280' from <br />Willey's, Bruce Folz has prepared a property description <br />which he will turn over to counsel. Owners have author- <br />ized a purchase price of $200. If owner does not accept <br />it would have to be negotiated. <br />walkway will have to be deeded as a separate item. <br />There is a 1,5' utility easement between lots 5 and 6 <br />and also between lots 6 and 7. City can have walkway <br />easement on either lot line. <br />Motion by Mayor. Armstrong 2nd by Councilman Shervheim <br />directing counsel to negotiate the Willey easement. <br />Also to approve final plat and the building plan. <br />Carried 5"0. <br />Question raised if the total engineering cost for <br />street and drainage problem was to be assessed against <br />developer. Council suggested that they accept $600, of <br />the total with the developer accepting the balance. <br />Bruce Folz will check with developer and advise back <br />if this is acceptable. <br />