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06-20-78 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-20-78 CCM
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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, June 20, 1978 <br />Meeting called to order at 5:15,p.m. by Mayor Armstrong. <br />Present: Mayor Armstrong, Councilmen Pott, Shervheim and Morgan (5:37) and Councilwoman <br />Lyons (5: 20) . <br />Also Present: Assessor Parks, Adm.Asst. Whittaker (7:00), Bldg. Insp. Mueller (,7:00), <br />Counsel Raleigh and Engineer Noyes (7:UO). <br />Jim & Sue Weyer - Varience Lot 7 Krause Addition- Re septic system: Shoreland Management <br />act requires a 75 ft. set -back from high water line. He also asks to in- <br />stall septic system within 5 ft. of the lot line. (Lot size 2001 X1754). <br />Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Mayor Armstrong to approve reduction <br />of set -back from 75T to 601 and not to approve the installation of the <br />septic system within 101 of the property line without coneurrencec:of <br />adjoining property owner. Final approval subject to concurrence of counsel. <br />Carried 4�0, Councilman Morgan not present at time of vote. <br />Agenda: Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Mayor Armstrong to approve agenda as <br />submitted. Carried 4-0. <br />Board of Review: <br />1) David Schweitz 37"5-4480, 4510, 6640 & 6670. Assessor recommends <br />reduction from $8U,625 to $73,b25. All reduction would be on the building, <br />the new value being $b4,245. <br />4) Cliff Adkins 37024-U510 Assessor recommends reduction in house value <br />from $40,480 to $32, M. Land value remains $30,000. Total package is <br />reduced from $70,480 to $62,y75. <br />y) Jim Joiner 37446-2350 Based on a request with supporting documentation, <br />recommendation to reduce building value from $39,060 to $30,600. Total <br />package reduced from $49,060 to $40,b0U. Land value $10,000 remains as <br />assessed. <br />321} John & Mary Leslie 37024--2b53, 2700 and 2750. Supplied documentation <br />which they felt showed the land value has been in the past and was excessive <br />when related to similar lots in the same area. Total land on all three <br />plates equivilant to 1-2/3 acres. Under current regulation it allows for .l. <br />only one buildable lot. County assessor has been called in to re-evaluate <br />both the house and the land. Recommendation to reduce total land value on r=.._. <br />all three lots from $12,750 to $y,000. No change in house value. <br />15) Ray KVRngaard 37235--23UO reduced total value from $42,6b5 to $37060. <br />17) Curtis Talcott 37445-3910 Assessor agrees that s1nce the building is <br />to be destroyed this year, value of building should'�be.<reduo,(pd _from�f$Pys)45 <br />to $2160U. Total value from $8,975 to $4,680. <br />20) Lowell Racks 37011-2300 Assessor agrees this is an error. Value of <br />$185,000 too high. Correct value should be $53,b5O. This also should be <br />marked Green Acres. <br />
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