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page 3 <br />Minutes June <br />6,1978. Under Metro Park— page 2 — bth. line change "multiple user' to <br />"high density use.v' <br />Motion by Councilman Morgan 2nd by Councilman Pott to approve minutes <br />of June 6,1978 council meeting as ammended. Carried 5--a0. <br />Claims: <br />Motion by Mayor Armstrong 2nd by Councilman Morgan to approve payment of <br />claims 783b9 thru 78390. Carried 5-0. <br />Petition for <br />vacation of streets in Demontreville Lanes Country Club Addition. Petition <br />received from Dwight and Debra Peterson requesting vacation of Bennett Ave, <br />lying to the East of a Southerly extension of the West line of Lot 141 and <br />all that part off' said Argyle St. lying between the Easterly extension of <br />the South line of Lot 149 and an Easterly extension of the North line of <br />lot 150. <br />Motion by Mayor Armstrong 2nd by Councilman Morgan to call for hearing on <br />July 18, 1978. Carried 5-0. <br />Disposal of old city truck: Motion by Councilman Pott 2nd by Councilman Morgan authorizing <br />clerk to advertise for sealed bids on retired city truck. Carried 55"0. <br />Cimarron: <br />Letter from MNDOT authorizing a speed —zone of 25 MPN on the perimeter street <br />in Cimarron. Clerk to relay this information to Cimarron. <br />Census: <br />Clerk advised that letter received from Commerce Dept. that report on census <br />has been referred to Mr. Rex Pullin of the Regional Office in K. C. he will <br />be contacting the city with more details onawhen & who. <br />Budget: <br />Clerk Advised council that they should be considerin&.1979 budget items <br />and refer them to the clerk. <br />Adjourment: <br />Motion by Councilman Morgan 2nd by Mayor Armstrong to Adjourn at 11:42 P.m`— <br />