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Lake Elmo Board Review 6-7-78 (9:10AM) <br />6. John $anner—cont °d. <br />He left without getting any satisfaction. <br />ACTION: e^.,b.v NONE <br />7. Daniel Vivona <br />3253 Kraft Circle Ave. Plate 37235-2050 <br />Questioned large increase to 053,345. Assessor explained the 4 <br />year re-evaluation regulation Whtph satisfied the queat�oo however <br />Mr. Vivona returned later and reeluestod the assessor to r6lisi.t his <br />house and re-evaluate. <br />ACTION: $53,345. to lvoaE ASSESSo,@ 4 cyaq IC-P. <br />8. Len Anderson <br />11150-20th. Court North plate �7730-2350 - <br />Land value $9,500 buildings $20,004. He claims that building <br />costs are too high. He has f000rd of cost$ (.Copy atxaohed) Show- <br />ing a figure of $7,761.00. Claims his labor was only $3,000. <br />ACTION: AENiCD <br />9. Jim Joiner <br />4061 Irvin Court North Plate 3744E-9850 <br />Haw was value established? Assessor adviaod that land was $10,600. <br />House was figured at 48% compete aced OaJbUloted at $3?1660. Mr. <br />Joiner stated -that now that hp had the ihfo)ftfiation ho could cep <br />home and prepare his oompla�iAt. No ,anion sod ort inquiry thus <br />far. /[e+.�u.e.esL. Qe�� eos�✓xD'G._,__'zlGoua e� ✓rrre �. �e �zoyre� ,p► 3 q oG o 2` <br />,V3dGoa. E'Li rQ 11 ""- . 4�9,0(0o Zo �dco. <br />10.Ed Stevens <br />10133-47th. St. North plates 37011-2700 and 2650. <br />$16,200 and $56,875 respectively. Otaerti.fted whether or not both <br />were homestead. They were. Sand Value ihor6ased from $2,200 to <br />$3,000./acre. Discussion ablaut pros and cons of green acres, <br />No further action necessary. <br />ll.Narla Payne (representing her mothwre <br />52,70 Keats Ave. <br />Questioned evaluation because they couldn't build on the property <br />and couldn't sell it because of a0000,% ptoblems. Assessor advised <br />her that property was assessed at the farmland rate of $x,450 per <br />,,:acre which is the lowest evaluation avai.lahlo. No action roquired. <br />12.John and Mary Leslie <br />11546-20th. St. North ..m Plates 57024-2653. . <br />(33'x110') 0 $115, 2750 (ll01x2 50')` at $6.1,325 anal 2700 (2ab"x25 0") <br />at $45m770. <br />House is 19 years old .. feels he iO-ovortaxed, Extra lot is none* <br />buildable and over valued. They asked if they made a comparison <br />of equal property if board would qj#o oonsid4rati6n to value. <br />He was assured tbeycMould consider any l.ntormaOoh submitted, <br />ACTION: W&it to see what ad i I Alf tra tint is 5ubmltted, <br />rOrAL- L.,9AJV VALVE ,fCV&1Ce ,{�e fir'/a, 'S 000 <br />13.A.J. MGCough representing Madge Hall, �oorJP <br />516 St. Louis st., Stillwater— Plates 37445-2060 abd 2240. <br />This covers lots 22-31 and 68-77 in banes Demobtreville Country <br />Club. Question raised as to whether br not it was 4 buildable <br />parcel. Claims that PZC approved it in 1:916 even thiough it was <br />less than an acre. Values are $7630 and 1010 respectively. Advised <br />Mr. McCough that lot was asses.ssd as a non buildable lot which is <br />75s of the full value of buildable lots in the area. Answers re- <br />ceived seemed to solve his problems. <br />ACTION: None <br />