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MINUTES, Lake Elmo City Council, January 2, 1979. pg. 4 <br />MAYOR*'S REPORT; Armstrong reported the Metro Council is holding a meet- <br />ing January 15, 1979, to discuss reservations communities <br />along the I-94 corridor had about the plans for the <br />Southern Rou.te:and--the frontage :roads. He suggested <br />extra meetings to complete work on the Comprehensive Plan <br />and the reviled zoning Ordinance. - <br />MORATORIUM ON ZONING, SUBDIVISION: Armstrong moved,.seconded by Mottaz, <br />that.the.Planning Commission be directed to consider a <br />moratorium on zoning and subdivision of not longer than - <br />six (6) months; hold a hearing on the proposed moratorium; <br />all 4 1,ven that the City will set -a' goal- to, have -the Plann- . <br />ing Commission,recommendations on -the zoninq ordinance <br />and Comprehensive Plan map by the first meeting in June, <br />1979. In discussion, Pott said the schedule for the work <br />to be done while a moratorium is in effect must be an <br />integral part of any such action. Motion carried 5-0. <br />COUNCIL BY-LAWS: Pott.moved, Armstrong, to readopt the By-laws <br />of the previous Council as the operatihq policy of this <br />Council. Motion carried 5-0. ( A copy is attached to <br />these minutes and hereby made a part'of the minutes.) <br />COUNCIL REPORTS: Pott asked the Council to schedule the Fire Department <br />for the January 16 meeting to discuss space requirements. <br />The Council agreed. <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Armstrong, to adopt RESOLUTION 79-3, "A Resolu- <br />tion Commending Dale ruerstenberg and Gary Swanson for <br />their fine service to the City as law enforcement officers.'I <br />Motion carried 5-0. Copies are to be sent to retiring <br />Sheriff':Westphal and Sheriff• Trudeau. <br />The Council discussed a year, -around access to Lake Demontreville. <br />The Council instructed the Administrator to inquire into the purchase of <br />dictating equipment that could also serve as a recorder for. Council meet- <br />ings. <br />Morgan asked the Council to think about a future surface water drainage ( <br />plan; and a petition to Valley Branch requesting the Board handle the I <br />water coming into the City. <br />i <br />Ile also asked the Council to reconsider his proposal for a Council Advisory <br />Committee. <br />The meeting adjourned at 10:11 p.m., on a motion by Pott, seconded by <br />Mrlrgan <br />