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03-06-79 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-06-79 CCM
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Minutes of the Lake Elmo City Council, March 6, 1979 Page 3 <br />VALLEY BRANCH WATER DISTRICT PETITIONS: Consideration of projects 1003 and <br />1004 and 1005 and the obligation of Lake Elmo to them was discussed. <br />( Cost effectiveness is a main concern expressed. This is determined <br />by an assessment of the damages vs the cost of the project. It was <br />suggested that the City could possibly develop a water management <br />plan and devise the improvements requested from VBWD, for less than <br />the Preliminary Fund. The fund does not provide for any construction. <br />The project proposed by VBWD for project 1005, Lake Jane pumping, <br />would include no permanent structures or easements. It is a 10 yr. <br />program that is virtually the same as what the City has done. The <br />Preliminary Fund for this project is about $24,000. <br />The Council requested Mr. Hedges get the Cost -Benefits on 1005 from <br />the Engineer for the next Gouncil meeting. Mr. Hedges, also informed <br />the Council that the Preliminary Fund for 1003 and 1004 will still be <br />$117,000 no matter how few of the items may be constructed. (Also, <br />no further requests can be considered within the City without action <br />from the City. The City is the key.) <br />Motion by Pott, Seconded by Armstrong to retract Petitions 1003 and <br />1004. Motion failed 2-3 Mottaz, Morgan, Johnson in opposition. <br />The Administrator was instructed to explore the possibility of <br />entering into a Joint Powers Agreement with Oakdale, write a letter <br />to VBWD indicating that petitions 1003 and 1004 were kept alive by <br />a 2-3 vote; and asking VBWD to submit a Cost -Benefit Ratio for 1003 <br />and 1004 and a cost estimate for the project. <br />LOAD LIMITS: Maroney's Service requested exemption from the load limits. <br />F — Maroney said,7 ton roads are the only roads his trucks will not get <br />stopped on; and Lake Elmo Avenue is the only road he is legal on. He <br />stated it is hard to shuttle all the arterial streets. School buses <br />and Transit buses have state permits, which exempt them; but waste <br />haulers don't. Whittaker said the County is firm on load limits; and <br />adjacent communities are not waiving limits. The limits are suppose <br />to encourage the use of satelite trucks. The Administrator will <br />work with individual haulers to see what can be worked out. Mottaz <br />feels Lake Elmo should not be the only community to allow reduced <br />limits. Motion by Armstrong, Seconded by Mottaz, to establish load <br />limits for 1979. Gravel roads within the City limits are to be <br />posted 5 ton. Carried 5-0. <br />MEETING EXTENSION: Motion by Armstrong, Seconded by Johnson to extend the <br />meeting to 11:15 PM. Carried 5-0. <br />I 94 METRO vs COUNTY ON COUNTY ROAD 13 EXITS: Motion by Johnson, Seconded by <br />Pott, that Lake Elmo raise no objection to the Washington County <br />proposal for the County 13 - 194 intersection, calling for an ad- <br />ditional south only westbound exit. Carried 5-0- <br />BOARD OF REVIEW: Motion by Armstrong, Seconded by Johnson to set the time for <br />the Board of Review at 2:30 PM to 7 PM, June 6, 1979: Carried 5-0. <br />SANDBAG POLICY: The Administrator was instructed to purchase_1000 sandbags. <br />These will be available to local residents at cost. <br />
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