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03-06-79 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-06-79 CCM
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Minutes of the Lake Elmo City Council Meeting, March 6, 1979 <br />Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. Councillors present: <br />( Mottaz, Pott, Johnson and Morgan. Administrator Whittaker and Larry Bohrer, <br />City Engineer were also present. <br />AGENDA: Additions under Public Inquiries: Water Surface Committee and Springborn <br />Addition. Motion by Armstrong, Seconded by Mottaz to approve the Agenda <br />as amended. Carried 5-0. <br />MINUTES: Motion by Morgan, Seconded by Pott to approve the minutes of February <br />20, 1979, as submitted. Carried 4-0. Mayor Armstrong abstaining. <br />Motion by Johnson, Seconded by Armstrong to approve the minutes of <br />February 6, 1979, as corrected. Correction, pg. 2 paragraph 8 <br />The Council decided that employees in the Maintenance Department would <br />qualify for a clothing allowance when they had successfully completed <br />the probationary period. Carried 4-0. Morgan abstaining. <br />SURFACE WATER COMMITTEE: Mr. Bob Peterson, Chairman of the Surface Water Use <br />Committee, appeared before the Council to question the reason for the <br />merging of the committee with the Park Committee, as was indicated in <br />the Newsletter. He explained there are members from all five City <br />lakes; they meet every two to three months to discuss the water <br />quality of the lakes, and abuses and complaints about lake use. He <br />would like to see the commission remain as it is and report directly <br />to the City Council, feeling a merger with the Park Commission would <br />pose additional involvement that the members may not want to undertake <br />Mr. Morgan explained his objective was to streamline the many committees <br />the City has. The Council had not had any report back from the Water <br />-- Surface Committee during the past year; therefore, it was felt the <br />combining of the two commissions was in order. The proposed Advisory <br />Committee would include any persons from disbanded committees interested <br />in serving. Mr. Peterson was requested to poll his members on their <br />interest in preserving the committee and draft a set of guidelines for <br />the group also providing coordination of the Water Surface Committee <br />with the Park Commission. Mr. Peterson is also to receive the Park <br />Commission minutes. <br />SPRINGBORN'S GREEN ACRES FINAL PLAT: Bruce Folz requested the Council determine <br />the cash value for park dedication. The amount agreed upon was $3,640. <br />The Development Agreement had been signed, and all papers were in order; <br />so, Mayor Armstrong signed the Final Plat. <br />RESOLUTION ON LAKE ELMO AVENUE PARKING: Motion by Armstrong, Seconded by Morgan <br />to amend Resolution 79-17 to reflect the limiting of parking on the <br />east side of the street only. Carried 5-0. <br />WALTER PECHAN: VARIANCE FOR EASEMENT TO PROPERTY OFF PRIVATE DRIVEWAY —SOUTH OF <br />KEATS and 47th. <br />Motion by Armstrong, Seconded by Johnson, that the City Council deny <br />the request for variance by Mr. Pechan for reasons stated by the PZC. <br />Carried 5-0. The City would reconsider the request if Keats were <br />brought up to rural gravel standards to 45th Street and a maintenance <br />agreement were entered into with the City. <br />RICHARD DOUGHERTY, MWCC: Mr. Dougherty will appear before the Council on <br />March 20, at 5 PM. <br />
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