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Minutes of the Lake Elmo City Council, March 6, 1979 Page 4 <br />TRUCK BIDS: The bids were referred to the Utility/Maintenance Committee. The <br />bids will be discussed at the meeting on March 12. <br />PUMP BIDS: The Administrator was instructed to clarify the bids and obtain <br />model numbers before a determination can be made March 12. <br />BACKHOE REPAIRS: The City backhoe is presently inoperable. The Council agreed <br />to rent a backhoe as needed for this spring. The Council decided to <br />repair the present backhoe, rather than replace it. <br />HEALTH INSURANCE: Motion by Armstrong, Seconded by Mottaz, that the Council <br />change to the Blue Cross policy and grant employees $100 for medical <br />expenses. Carried 5-0. <br />CLAIMS: Motion by Armstrong, Seconded by Mottaz to approve claims 79062 thru <br />79094- Carried 5-0. <br />TABLYN PARK SURVEY: Tablyn Park First Addition is missurveyed. Replatting under <br />Chapter 429 is not feasible. Mayor Armstrong, the County Surveyor <br />and Bruce Folz are going to meet with the residents and determine <br />what can be done. <br />CHARTER COMMISSION: It was not the intent of the City Council to have members <br />reappointed to the Charter Commission by the Court, as Ken Sovereign <br />indicated in his letter, to the court. He was to have filed the <br />Annual Reprot and ask for the status of the Charter Commission. The <br />City Council instructed the Administrator to draft a letter to the <br />Court stating the City of Lake Elmo desires to retain its right to <br />appoint the members to the commission; and wants the status of the <br />commission clarified. <br />MAINTENANCE FOREMAN: Motion by Armstrong, Seconded by Johnson to establish the <br />position of Maintenance Foreman at $17,500 per year, and appoint <br />Robert Wier to the position. Overtime rate for non —administrative <br />tasks/to be determined by the City Administrator. Carried 5-0. <br />at the regular hour, aQ� k_ ��� z (17�U o f-u? <br />OFFICE SECRETARIES: Motion by Armstrong, Seconded by Morgan to establish the <br />job description of Accounts Clerk III and Senior Secretary at $5.25 <br />and $5.50 per hour respectfully. Effective April 1, 1979• Carried 5-0. <br />ADJOURNMENT: 11:45 PM. <br />