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Minutes of the Lake Elmo City Council, April 3, 1979 <br />-3- <br />C. Irwin Court Drainage Easement Cont'd <br />( 2. The clump of birch near the permanent easement is protected - <br />or we pay for it. (They believe it will be easier to move <br />some of Jansen's pines than to move or protect the birch). <br />3. The easement is for drainage purposes only. <br />4. The City enclosing the "flume" portion to decrease liability. <br />5. The City compensate them $2,000 for the easement. <br />Bruce Folz requested a total cost estimate to give the developer. <br />Larry Bohrer feels an estimate of $5,000 is minimum; but he will <br />prepare a total estimate and compare labor costs of the City doing <br />the work vs a private contractor. <br />PZC RECOMMENDATIONS <br />A. Moratorium Appeals - Washington 37 and Dayton -Hudson <br />The Council reviewed Mr. Steven Schmidt's letter of March 30, 1979, <br />indicating why the Washington 37 property should be exempt from the <br />moratorium. <br />Mottaz moved, Armstrong seconded, to deny the request of Washington 37 <br />from the moratorium. <br />Mottaz did not feel the estimate of hardship was sufficient justi- <br />fication for exemption. The possibility that larger lots will be <br />required by the new Comprehensive Plan is a major consideration. <br />The additional surface water in a problem area is also a factor. <br />- Willard Morton elaborated on the financial hardship this delay will <br />mean to him. He feels the City's request for sewer hook-up to <br />Cimarron delayed them, thereby making them subject to the moratorium. <br />He feels this plat would have been approved had they not pursued this. <br />Schmidt stated the City did give Concept Approval for one acre lots <br />and this should be a consideration. <br />Motion carried 3-2 Pott and Johnson voting nay. <br />Morgan moved, Armstrong seconded to deny Dayton Hudson an exemption <br />to the moratorium. Carried 5-0. <br />STEINDORF VARIANCE <br />Since the parcel existed before the Subdivision Ordinances, it is <br />the opinion of the City Attorney that the variance cannot be denied. <br />Armstrong moved, Pott seconded, to approve the Steindorf Variance, <br />with only one buildable site. The Administrator is to instruct the <br />City Attorney to draw up the necessary papers.for_Resolution 79-25. <br />Carried 5-0. <br />BREAK: 9:15 . <br />VALI-HI DRIVE IN - SPECIAL USE PERMIT <br />Morgan moved, Armstrong seconded to renew the SUP for the Vali-Hi <br />Drive In. Carried 5-0 <br />LICENSES: Morgan moved, Armstrong seconded to approve licenses for Ron's <br />Sanitation, American Trenching and Excavating and Twin City Furnace. <br />Carried 5-0. <br />