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Minutes of the Lake Elmo City Council, April 3, 1979 <br />—4— <br />LICENSES — CONT'D: Morgan moved, Armstrong seconded, to amend the previous <br />motion and include approval of haulers license for Ron's <br />Sanitation subject to favorable recommendatim from the Washington <br />County Sheriff Department, eg. no tickets for littering or over— <br />weight. Carried 5-0. <br />POLICE CONTRACT: Johnson moved, Mottaz seconded, to accept the 1979 Police <br />contract for $48,238. Carried 5-0. <br />CHARTER COMMISSION: Present Charter Commission members were contacted; all <br />wish to remain on the Commission and keep it active. Armstrong <br />feels the Commission has served its time, and the $1500 budgeted <br />for it can be better used. The commission can be reinstated at <br />any time by the Council. <br />Pott moved, Armstrong seconded to adopt Resolution 79-24, a petition <br />to the court to abolish the Charter Commission. Carried 4-1, <br />Johnson voting nay. The Administrator will have the City Attorney <br />draw up the necessary papers. <br />Johnson moved, Armstrong seconded, the City write Representative <br />Conn. Levi and Senator Jerome Hughes indicating the lack of a <br />sunset provision in Statute 410.05. The State Legislature is <br />requested to address and remedy this. Carried 5-0. <br />1979 TREE PROGRAM: State law requires the City have a forester.., The Council <br />— its concern that $2,250 proposed by Chuck Beach was excessive. <br />The Administrator will meet with Beach and discuss this amount and <br />the Citys desire for no Elm or Oak Control Zones. <br />BOCCI BALL: Morgan moved, Johnson seconded, to approve Resolution 79—�?3, requesting <br />a free set of Bocci Balls from the State. Carried 5--0. <br />FEE RESOLUTION: Since the new code has eliminated some fees the Administrator <br />will have these in resolution form for the next meeting. <br />MISCELLANEOUS: <br />A. Additional pages were distributed for the Code Books. <br />B. The Administrator notified the Council Lenny Anderson is <br />challenging the tax value on his property. <br />C. The Assessment Hearing Schedule and proposed roster on 1978 <br />Pumping and the South West Area Street Improvement Plan will be <br />ready for the next meeting. <br />D. Youth Service Bureau — The City recognizes the value of this <br />program but there is no money available for it this year; It <br />will be considered in the 1980 Budget. <br />E. New pick—up truck — this purchase is not in the Capital Plan. <br />Mottaz suggested using the dump truck vs buying a new pick—up. <br />The limited range of the truck radios is part of the problem <br />necessitating another vehicle. A VHF frequency license was discussed. <br />F. The Administrator is taking vacation time from May 28 to June 8. <br />