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Minutes of the Lake Elmo City Council, May 1, 1979 -2- <br />BICYCLE SAFETY WEEK: Armstrong moved, Johnson seconded to accept Resolution 79-27 <br />proclaiming May 27 through June 2, 1979, "Bicycle Safety Week". Motion <br />carried 5-0. <br />CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Armstrong reviewed a Conflict of Interest Ordinance from <br />Fridley and one from the proposed Charter. This ordinance would <br />cover members of the Council, Planning Commission and possibly the <br />Park Commission. Johnson feels this type of ordinance is unnecessary <br />and would undermine the basis of trust existing between the commissions <br />and council. Mottaz favors the charter approach and feels the need <br />for a type of reporting system. <br />The Administrator will review the different approaches and explain to <br />the City Attorney what the Council wants. The City Attorney will draft <br />a document for review. <br />ENGINEERS REPORT: A. Fire Hall - Engineer Bohrer requested the City determine a <br />bid opening date; also set a date one to two days later to review the <br />bids. He suggested advertising for two weeks in the Stillwater Gazette, <br />St. Paul and Minneapolis Builders Exchange and the Dodge Report. Also, <br />invitations will be sent to local contractors. <br />Morgan moved, Armstrong seconded, to instruct the Administrator to <br />advertise for bids; and authorize the bid opening for the Fire Hall <br />Addition for May 21, 1979, at 3:30 P.M. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Armstrong moved, Morgan seconded, to hold a Special Meeting May 23, <br />1979, at 5:30 p.m. to review the bids and any miscellaneous business. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />B. DeMorLtreville Highlands 5th and 6th Additions - Armstrong moved, <br />Pott seconded, to approve DeMontreville Highlands 5th and 6th Additions <br />providing the Development Agreement and Bonds meet the standards set <br />by the City Attorney. Motion carried 5-0. <br />BREAK: 9:15 p.m. <br />C. Design Standards - Cost Estimate - The Engineer submitted a proposal <br />for standardizing plans and specs for Lake Elmo. Preparation of items <br />A - G will not exceed $1,000. Items H - K are for Council consideration. <br />These can be pulled together by the Administrator. <br />Pott moved, Morgan seconded, to authorize the City Engineer to draft <br />Engineering Standards for the Cite of Lake Elmo for a cost not to <br />exceed $1,000. Motion carried 5-0. <br />D. Direction on Surface Water Improvements - Before anything can be <br />started a drawing and plan is needed to submit to the DNR and VBWD. <br />Pott would like the option of obtaining a permanent permit for temporal"y <br />flood control. A decision can then be made what to do when flooding <br />occurs. <br />