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Minutes of the Lake Elmo City Council, May 4 1979 <br />—3— <br />D. Water Improvements Cont'd - Pott is meeting with County Commissioner Art Scheffer' Jr, <br />and Chuck Swanson May 7 to discuss the County's reaction to Lake Elmo <br />using Eagle Point for storage. Mottaz suggested scheduling Mr. Schaeffer <br />for a Council meeting and tell him what lake Elmo wants from the County. <br />Armstrong moved, Morgan seconded, to authorize the .Engineer to draw <br />specs for Beu.tal Pond and take care of setting elevations and, do what- <br />evgr is necessary on the Nardy driveway preparation, for grading by the <br />National Guard. Motion carried 5-0. <br />LICENSE AND PERMIT FEES: Pott moved, Armstrong seconded to approve license ap- <br />plications from Shammrock Construction Co.,"5749 Lake Elmo Avenue, Lake <br />Elmo and LaRoux Excavating, 5514 Otter Lake Road, White Bear Lake. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />Discussion, of license and permit fees was tabled until May 15. <br />RrIPROCAL FIRE SERVICES: The agreement from the Lower St, Croix Piro Department <br />met the approval of the City Attorney and the insurance company. <br />Armstrong moved, Pott seconded, to accept the Reciprocal Fire Services <br />Agreement with the Lower St. Croix Fire Department. .Motion, carried 5-0. <br />The Administrator was instructed to draft and send the same agreement <br />to Woodbury, Oakdale, Stillwater, Mahtomedi, East County Line and'Bayport. <br />MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE REPORT; Bids for sealcoating and graveling exceeded budgeted <br />amounts. <br />Morgan moved, Armstrong seconded, to transfer monies, for sealooating <br />"'Caaatarau and gravel from the City Clereaudget to Streets. Motion carried 5-0. <br />s-ISO 14 Street maintenance budget will be $7400; and gravel will be $7600. <br />Maintenance Building - Plans for the new Maintenance Building were <br />given to the Council for consideration. Mottaz would like no steel <br />building considered. Morgan. suggested a type of earth sheltered <br />structure. This will be discussed at the next meeting. <br />BUILDING COMMITTEE MEETING: The Building Committee will meet Saturday, May 5, 19799 <br />at 10 a,m, The Administrator will be present. <br />SUNFISH PARK: The Council agreed to pay George Ringwalski 9$50 per month to open and <br />close the gate at Sunfish Park. <br />MORATORIUM: The Planning Commission should be ready to set the hearing date for <br />the Comprehensive Plan at their next meeting. Lot sizes are the only <br />question left on the Zoning Ordinance, The Zoning Ordinance hearing <br />date should be set in two weeks. <br />POLICE ACTION: Mottaz wanted the Council to be aware of a situation he considered police <br />l 0+oaelacrao over zealousness. He has discussed the matter with Chief Txudeau; <br />"+x 79 but was not satisified with the,outcome. Whittaker explained he was <br />aware of the situation and suggested Mottaz and Dale Phirstenburg meet <br />and discuss it. <br />ADJOURNIOBT: 10:50 p.m. <br />