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Minutes of the Lake Elmo City Council Meeting, May 14, 1979 <br />'Special meeting with the Valley Branch watershed District <br />i Board of Managers. <br />Mayor Armstrong convened the meeting at 7:40 p.m., with the <br />following Councillors present: Johnson, Morgan and Pott. <br />Councillor Mottaz was absent. The following Managers were <br />present: Dornfeld, hedges, IIornina and Rosas. Eder was absent. <br />Administrator Whittaker was also present. <br />AGENDA: Armstrong moved, seconded by Morgan, to approve the <br />Agenda as presented. Motion carried 3-0. Pott was <br />temporarily absent. <br />IMMEDIATE FLOOD PROBLEMS: <br />Mr. & Mrs. Ken Evanoff, 9199 Jane Road No., appeared <br />and told the Council that, with the current rate of in- <br />flow, their home would be in the lake in eight days. <br />Mr. hedges said he felt the City could get a permit <br />from the DI4R fairly quickly for emergency, temporary <br />pumping. h'e said the Watershed District (VBWD) could <br />not expend any funds before the hearing on Project 1005; <br />and couldn't commit to project 1005 before the hearing. <br />Rosas said he was not convinced that pumping Lake Jane <br />was the correct solution; he prefers pumping Long Lake <br />and buying home on Lake Jane. <br />Dornfel.d said lie was not sure pumping was the best <br />solution either. horning said that, if the District <br />pumps, they should pump enough to build in bounce on <br />the lake. <br />Morgan asked if the District had emergency funds for <br />pumping. hedges said the District had set aside about <br />$1,200 for Lake Elmo emergencies. In discussion, the <br />Managers agreed that $1,200. was all they would allot <br />from administrative funds for Lake Elmo. They agreed <br />that last year's allocation was not available; and that <br />no additional District funds were to be made available. <br />Bob Logue said Lake Jane was the highest it had ever been. <br />1005 CONTRACTS: <br />The District asked the City to be its contractor for <br />project 1005, if ordered. Johnson moved, seconded by <br />Pott, that the City act as the contract agent to operate <br />the pumping when project 1005 is ordered by the District. <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />EMERGENCY PUMPING: <br />Johnson moved, seconded by Morgan, that A. The City <br />start temporary emergency pumping of Lake Jane into <br />the park pond until June 4, 1979, for a cost not to ex- <br />ceed $4,700.00, exclusive of labor; and B. The City re- <br />quest maximum reimbursement from VBWD from administrative <br />