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05-23-79 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-23-79 CCM
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Minutes of the Lake Elmo City Council, May 230 1979 <br />Mayor Armstrong convened. the meeting at 5132 with the following Councilors <br />answering the rolls Johnson, Morgan (5s38), Mottaz, and. Pott. Administrator <br />Whittaker, Attorney Raleigh, and Engineer Bohrer were also present, <br />FIRE HALL ADDITIONS Mottaz moved, seconded by Pott, that the City accept the <br />lowest responsible bidfor construction of the Fire Hall Addition <br />on Laverne Avenue; and authorize the Mayor and Administrator to <br />enter into a contract with George Siegfried to construct the Fire <br />Hall addition at a cost of $50,450.00 plus $3,000.00 for construction <br />of a septid tankaaad drainfield•. Motion carried 5-0. <br />MOTTAZ DEEDS Attorney Raleigh advised the Council that Mr. Mottaz would have <br />to subdivide the property under the current City Ordinance. He said <br />the County Recorder was obligated under law to accept the dosed for <br />reoording; but the City still had the right to require subdivisipav <br />Under City Ordinance, Mr. Mottaz is required to apply for a small! <br />lot subdivision: for a parcel over five acres with the required frontage <br />on a;public road. <br />The Council- a'Jso dvtsed,Ar. Mottaz that he would first have to appeal <br />from the moratorium before the subdivision could be processed. <br />DEPUTY, VALI-HI DRIVE-IN's The Council agreed that the Special Use rarmit granted <br />the Vali<+Hi Drive-in was reasonable in requiring the owner to have <br />deputized personnel working there whenever the theater is open. <br />They agreed this person should be deputized under the City's contract <br />with Washington County; that they had assigned, the responsibility for <br />deputizing officers to the Qtb:unty through that contract; and, that <br />the City did not want to assume the liability for deputizing someone <br />not approved by the County Sheriff. <br />PIERRE'S PIER, SI[0I3ELxiD MANAG1QMbNT=.ICIOLATOAF.t.,•.:.The:.Council.:agreEd..tha:.Dgn Durand, <br />owner of Pierre's Pier, must obtain a Special Use Permit as,required <br />by -the City's Shoreland, Management Ordinance, to pave the access to <br />Lake Elmo off Lake Elmo Avenue. Mr. Durand will. be referred to the <br />Planning Commission for hearing on the permit. <br />RICHARD CONNORS® EMERGENCY FILL.PERMITs Mr. Connors had obtained a permit from <br />the DNR (Minnesota Department of Natural Resources) to place 1700 cu. <br />,yards of fill on his lot above elevation 924; and had been advised <br />that he must hgy.o/ a Valley Branch Watershed. Listrict Permit for same. <br />The Council advised him that he would. need a Special. Use Permit from <br />the City to fill. within 1000 feet of the 924 elevation under the City's <br />Shoreland Management Ordinance. <br />Mr. Connors said, some of his buildings were in danger of flooding; and, <br />he needed to fill now to prevent futher damage. Raleigh said the City <br />could probably give some temporary approval for the fill subject -to <br />removal. Armstrong suggested a bond for removal should the permit <br />not be granted. <br />Pott moved, seconded by Morgan, that Mr. Connors be granted a temporary <br />permit for 1700 cubic yards of fill above elevation 924 on Lake Jane <br />subject to a letter agreement requiring him to apply for a Special Use <br />Permit, a stipulation that he would remove the fill if the permit is <br />not granted, and that he post a bond in favor of the City for $360.00 <br />to remove the fill should he not get the permit and/or .refuse to remove <br />the fill. Motion carried 5-0. <br />
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