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Minutes, Lake Elmo City Council, May 23,1979 -2- <br />PEPIN ENGINEERING; Mr.. Don Pepin presented a site planfor construction of <br />a new metal working plant between 35th and 36th streets west of <br />Lake Elmo Avenue. The Council listed the following concernsi and <br />said the City could not approve the plans until the questions raised <br />had been satisfactorily answered, <br />1. Would his use of the streets impair access to •those already using <br />it; and if so, how would his platy address this? <br />2. There are two drainage -ways through •the parcel. Both would have <br />have to appear on and be handled by the plhn - one from the southwest, <br />one crossing east -west. <br />3. He would have to assure the City Attorney that the property is pro- <br />perly subdivided. <br />4, The building would have to be located high enough to 'avoid erosion <br />of the foundation and, in the right place so as to avoid damming up <br />water in either of the drainage -ways. <br />5. There must be sufficient suitable land for two septic drainfields=. <br />6. If necessary in the opinion of the City Engineer, Mr. Pepin may <br />have to provide addition storage for surface water run-off. <br />HAZARDOUS BUILDING, IVY AND 28ths Actiondelayed.for clarification of ownership. <br />PUBLIC ACCESS, LAKE DEMONTREVILLEs Morgan said people were using private property <br />and a public easement not intended for access to get to Lake Demontre- <br />ville. He said he thought the City should develop a public access <br />on the Qity-owned property to the southwest. Morgan moved, seconded <br />by Pott, thats 1) the City sign the creek area "No Public Access", <br />2) the City ask the County to widen the shoulder on Demontreville <br />Trail near the City acess to permit safer parking, ad. 3) the City <br />Improve the road access in the SW area for public access to the lake. <br />Motion carried 5-0- <br />MOWER TRAILERS Morgan moved, seconded by Armstrong, that the City authorize <br />•the purchase of the Toro trailer for the mower at a cost of $ W09.00t <br />including the surge brakes,a spare tire and wheel. Motis�h ::carried <br />4-1 with Johnson voting against. <br />LAKE JANE PUMPINGs Mr. and Mrs. Phil Tschumperlin approached the Council to com- <br />plain about the noise the pump on Lake Jane was makings said they were <br />opposed to the pumping, and. argued that it was a nuisance and decrased <br />their property values, The Council agreed to limit pumping to daylight <br />hours (7s00 a,m, to 8100 p,m.) as long as that maintained the level <br />of the lake and/or. until May 29, 1979, when they would meet to discuss <br />the status of the pumping and the provision of sound barriers on the <br />pumps <br />Several alterntalves for sound barriers were discussed. The final re- <br />solution would be left to the Maintenance Department and, the Council <br />on May 29, 1979. <br />The Council agreed. that evening shut-off of the pump on regular working <br />days would be scheduled. overtime for employees; and. would be paid at <br />time -and -a -half for non -salaried personnel. 'foreman Wier would still <br />be paid straight time for overtime, as was agreed when he wRaas promoted, <br />The men would be paid two-hour call -out on Saturdays and. Sundays, as <br />provided in the personnel policy. <br />The Council asked VBWD to monitor Sunfish Lake at least weekly during <br />the pumpingl and more often If we have significant rainfall. <br />